Chapter 14~ Jesse

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Chapter 14~ Jesse

The last thing I remember is Beca and some guy (I'm still pretty new here, don't judge me) laying me down on the floor in, I think, the girl's restroom. I felt Beca put something underneath my head and, by the familiar scent of vanilla and strawberries, I figured it was her jacket then everything after that went black.

I slowly started to wake up. I could tell Beca had taken my shirt off, to doctor the cuts left from the cleats the boys were wearing when they kicked me multiple times, by the cold breeze I felt against my skin. Suddenly, I feel something cold touch a cut on my abdomen making it burn and causing me to jerk away.

"F*ck, that sh*t burns." I said in a weak voice.

Beca looked up at me and smirked a little.

"Sorry." She spoke quietly.

I laid my head back down on her jacket as she continued putting the peroxide on my cuts. I soon realized that I couldn't open my left eye and I reached up to touch it.

"No, don't touch that!" Beca yelled and yanked my hand back. "You're eye is blackened and busted, touching it and trying to open it will only make it worse." She explained as she pulled a tube of cream out of the first aide kit sitting beside her.

She walked across the floor on her knees and stopped when she was sitting by my head. She unscrewed the lid and squirted some cream on her index finger then began gently massaging it onto my eye. I couldn't help but watch her as she did this, she is beautiful. She glanced down at me a couple times then on the third time she smiled and asked,

"Do I have something on my face?"

"You mean besides beauty?" I asked causing her to smile even bigger and laugh a little.

"Jesse Gonzalez, are you flirting with me?" She asked jokingly.

"Maybe. Depends on the way you take it." She smiled at me again then focused her attention on the cream.

It was quiet for a moment before she spoke again.

"Thank you, by the way."


"Not telling Asher what really happened behind the bleachers."

"You're welcome. And thank you." I said as she put the tube of cream back into the kit.

"What did I do?" She asked.

"Well, you patched me up and you did the right thing and told him."

"Ya, doesn't feel like the right thing. I feel horrible."

I don't think I'm the person she should be talking to about this but since she is I have got to be gentle with my words. I slid my body up to where I was sitting by her.

"I understand. Kissing a guy while you're with ano-"

"That's not why I feel horrible. I could care less about Asher at this moment."

"Then what do you feel horrible about?" I asked not understanding.

She turned her head to look at me, our faces only inches apart.

"I've not been true to you or myself."

I just looked at her as she continued to talk.

"I kissed you not just because I don't feel like I'm getting everything from my relationship with Asher but also because I...I just....I don't know what's wrong with me." She said then looked away from me.

I touched her cheek telling her to look at me again. She slowly turned her head back to me.

"There's nothing wrong with you. You're an amazing girl." I said looking strait into her eyes.

"That's where you're wrong, there is something wrong with me. Before you, I thought I knew what I wanted. Grades, popularity, the soccer captain but now that I've met you my views have changed. I don't think I want that anymore."

"What do you want?"

She didn't say anything. I saw her glance at my lips then back up at my eyes. She slowly began to lean forward until our lips met. It started out soft and slow as if she was deciding if this was going to actually happen then she deepened it. Her hands cupped my cheeks as we both gave in to the desire for each other.

There was something about the way her tongue explored my mouth that gave me the answer to my question....she wants me.

"What the h*'ll?!" Someone yelled and Beca immediately separated her lips from mine. "You can't keep doing this Bec, Asher will find out and when he does, it's not only your a*s on the line but it's his, too." Brittany pointed to me as she continued to speak. "You don't want that do you?"

Beca looked back at me before answering, "No."

"Exactly, now come on. We have classes to get to." Brittany said extending her hand toward Beca.

Beca grabbed it and Brittany pulled her off the floor. Then Beca turned to pull me up.

"Bec." Brittany said as Beca gently pulled my body off the floor.

"What? He's got a sprained ankle, after all of the trouble I've put him through, the least I can do is help him out." Beca said as she wrapped my arm around her neck and her arm around my waist to help me stand.

The rest of the day went by slowly. I could barely walk and when I would start to stumble Beca would immediately drop whatever she's doing and rush to my side ignoring all of the dirty looks she got from Asher and his group of idiots.
Before anyone asks, yes they did grab their belongings and yes Jesse put his shirt on before they exited the restroom. I didn't put that in there but it's common sense. vote/comment/share plz :-)

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