Chapter 30~ Jesse

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Chapter 30~ Jesse

So it was a pity kiss. I can deal with that but I can't deal with Asher taking advantage of my girlfriend like that. I'm going to get him back and with the information Beca has, we're going to take him down one humiliating step at a time.

When we arrived at school I gave Beca a quick kiss and told her to head to class without me. I'm getting ready to do something that can get me into trouble but it has to be done. You're wondering what the plan is aren't you? Alright, I guess I can let you in on it.

Beca has this recording of Asher admitting to his love of boy bands on her phone and I'm going to play it over the p/a system. You're probably thinking liking boy bands isn't embarrassing but you don't have Asher's friends.

I took myself and Beca's phone up to the front office as the principal did the morning announcements. I stepped into the room as he was finishing up.

"Can I help you?" the elderly woman from my first day of school asked.

"Uh, yeah. I lost my schedule and I don't have it memorized yet, do you have a copy?" I lied.

"Let me go check." she said then went into the back. I quickly locked the door so she couldn't get back in then began frantically operating the p/a system.

"Sorry for the interruption but I have some important news. You're all familiar with Asher Monroe, right? Well I have some info about him that he probably doesn't want you to know. So, here it is." I quickly put the speaker of Beca's phone against the microphone and pressed play on the recording.

"My name is Asher Monroe and I have a confession." Asher's voice sounded all around the school. "I love boy bands and One Direction is my favorite." I heard the sound of jingling keys on the other side of the door and hurriedly finished the announcement.

"More like Wrong Direction." I said then darted out the door just as the secretary unlocked the door.

I skipped the rest of first period and hung out in the boys bathroom. Being bored out of mine I pulled Beca's phone out of my pocket and began messing with it. I'd never go through it because that's violating her privacy but I will mess with her camera.

I clicked the camera icon and flipped it so I can see myself on the screen. I pulled a sharpie out of my pocket and wrote "I <3 U" in bug letters on my hand. I put my hand up by face and snapped the selfie.

After setting my selfie as my contact picture the bell rang. I clicked the phone off and shoved it into my pocket before running to the spot I told Beca to meet me at.

I, now breathing heavily, leaned against the wall and waited for Beca. It was just a matter of minutes before I heard the doors fly open and someone's books go flying across the floor. Then I felt someone grab my arm and pull me aling with them.

Beca's here.


Sorry it took so long. I've been working on other writings. Ignore mistakes, if any.Hope you enjoyed!! More soon!

&lt;&lt;ON HOLD&gt;&gt;Ups and Downs of the Teenage LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora