Chapter 27~ Beca

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Chapter 27~ Beca

I can't believe Asher...wait, yes I can. It's just like him to blatantly ignore what I tell him then go and blacken some innocent person's eye. Sucks for him that this time the guy whose eye the dumba*s blackened is my boyfriend and there's no way he's getting away with it.

I pull up in front of Asher's house, which is a bit bigger than mine, and take a deep breath before getting out of the car. This isn't going to be a picnic. Asher will try every trick in the book to get me back and ,although he's not the least bit attractive to me, it will be difficult to defend myself.

I reluctantly push the driver side door open and head up to the house. I hesitantly knock on the door and wait. I hear some shuffling around then the door swings open to reveal Asher's mother.

"Hi Beca. It's been a while." She said and greeted me with a hug.

"Yeah." I replied as I hugged her back.

"I suppose you're here to see Asher.  You two going to get back together?" She asked as she led me into the house.

"I don't think that's ever gonna happen, ma'am. It's not anything against your son I just, I love my boyfriend." We were standing in the living room in front of the stairs.

"Teen love. That's alright sweetheart, I know Asher is a lot to deal with. I'll get him." She said then headed up the stairs.

I walked further into the room and looked around. There were pictures spread all over the walls and above the fireplace. I was looking at a picture of Asher and his older sister, Nadia. They used to be so close before that terrible accident that cost Nadia her life.

"I knew you'd come crawling back to me." Asher said from behind me startling me. I twirled around to face him and almost rammed into his chest.

"I'm not crawling and I'm walking away from you." I said as backed away from him.

"Then what did you come here for?" He asked giving me the look.

"Definitely not that. I came to talk to you." he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Then talk. Wait, don't tell me Jesse isn't satisfying you. No surprise there."

"Asher! Shut up. I'm not here for anything sexual or anything to help us. I don't like you and Jesse and I happen to be doing great. I came to talk to you about punching my boyfriend."

He rolled his eyes and lowered his body into the chair behind him. He made himself comfortable before he continued to speak.

"It's just like him to go running to his girlfriend for help, too weak to fight his own fights. Look, he deserved it. Do you know what he said?"

"Yes, I do, Jesse told me everything. We have this 'All Honesty Policy' and we tell each other everything." He rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. "Look, I know you still like me but I can't feel the same way. I love Jesse and I need you to just get over it."

"I can't." he said and rose from the seat. "Ever since my sister died you were the only girl that I felt like I can actually talk to and you would listen. How do you expect me to get over that?" He was standing right in front of me.

I'm not attracted to him but my girl instinct began to kick in and I felt for him. I knew his sister and she was an amazing girl and the fact that he just compared me to her made me feel really good.

"Beca, I love you. You're the only girl I've ever loved and I just can't get over the only girl that's made me feel that way."  I didn't know he felt this way but I can't feel this way about anyone but Jesse.

He made eye contact but I quickly broke it and stared at the ground. He lifted my chin up with his finger and began leaning his face toward me.

"Asher, I can't." I said trying to stop him but he just kept leaning forward.

"Just one, make it a good bye. Please." I couldn't think of anything to say as his head kept getting closer. Eventually, his lips met mine and I let him kiss me.

The guilt immediately hit me like a ton of bricks and I felt a tear roll sown my cheek as an image of Jesse, the man I love, flashed in my mind. I quickly pushed Asher away and covered my mouth with my hand.

"I'm sorry..I...I...I gotta go." I said trying to hold back the tears.

I began walking to the door when I heard him laughing. I stopped and slowly turned to face him. He sat back down in the chair and rested his elbows on his knees.

"I can't believe you actually fell for that. I thought you were better than that, Bec."

"What?" I asked then realized just what he's saying. "You a*shole! You knew I loved your sister as if she were my own and you used it against me. How could you do this to me? You know I love Jesse!!" I yelled.

"You did this yourself. You could've stopped me but you didn't. Looks like there's still hope for us after all."

"It was a pity kiss!"

"Right, let's see how Jesse feels when you tell him it was just a pity kiss."

Sh*t. He's right, I have to tell Jesse but how?

"From now on you will leave Jesse the h*ll alone! Got it?" I said.

"And if I don't? Then what are you going to do?" he asked not believing that I would do anything.

"Touch Jesse and find out." he stood from his chair again and walked toward me.

"How about I touch you instead?" he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, trying to kiss me again.

I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away. He just came right back and tried to kiss me again. I pushed him back and punched him in the face. He cowered backward while holding his cheek.

I ran for the door, passing his mom on the way out. I got in my car, locked the doors, and started the engine. I buckled up then just sat there for a minute, letting the warm tears trickle down my cheeks.

What's wrong with me? I'm turning into a, for a lack of a better word, player. I kissed Jesse while dating Asher and I just kissed Asher while dating Jesse.

I put my head in my hands then ran them through my hair. I began screaming and beating the crap out of the steering wheel.

"Oh my God!!!! What the f*ck is wrong with me?" I leaned my head against the steering wheel and sobbed. "You love Jesse, why the h*ll would you let Asher kiss you you idiot?!"

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed a number. I'm going to tell Jesse but first I have to talk to someone that understands me. I clicked call and put the phone up to my ear.

"Brit, I did something terrible."


"So, do you still have feelings for Asher?" Brittany asked. We are sitting on her bed talking about what happened.

"A million times no." I said not missing a beat. "I love Jesse. What am I going to do, Brit?"

"Tell him. It's the only thing you can do. Jesse loves you Bec, I'm sure you guys will get through this."

"Thanks Brit." I hugged her.

"What are friends for? Now go talk to your boyfriend." she said then shooed me out of the door.


I'm standing on Jesse's front porch and just being here after what happened is hard. It's so hard and I can't hold back the tears as a few fall down my cheeks.

I knock on the door and when I hear Jesse's voice on the otherside the tears fall even faster.

"Beca?" he asked surprised that I was here. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he put his hand on my cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumb.

I couldn't help it anymore. "I'm so sorry, Jess." I said then ran into his arms.


Lay, I changed this chapter up a lot!! I think it made it better, did it not?

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