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Chapter Three•
•Shawn's POV•

"So sense we won't be meeting this cousin you're always talking about, tell us a little bit about her because well she's not here to do that!" Cam said.
"Well, she's not like most girls at all, yes she get dressed up, wears make-up, and all that cool jazz but she's so different. She's does not cry. I've known her my whole life and I've seen her cry about 3 times. And they weren't sad tears. They were because she was so mad she was about to beat someone's ass." I continued "She doesn't take crap for anyone and she uses her fist whenever possible." "She sounds like a bitch to me..." I heard Nash say faintly.

"That's the thing she's not. She's the opposite. She's very loving and caring, she loves helping others, and she a sucker for romance novels!"when I said that I heard the guys chuckle. "But you guys have to promise me one thing."I say in all seriousness. "What?"Matthew asked. "Know one. And I mean KNOW ONE dates her. She's like my sister and I don't want her getting hurt. She may not cry but she does get depressed easily. So with that being said let's go meet Casey guys!" And with that we were off to Casey's favorite place I know she will be. Starbucks.

•okay so I'm at school so I can't update till I get home so byee•

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