•Thirty One•

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Chapter Thirty One•

•Cameron's POV•

I was on my way to the hotel when I heard foot steps behind me.

I hope it's Casey.

I turned around and it was Nash.

"Hey." He sounded like he was about to cry.

"Hey man. You okay?"

"No. Man, Look I need to talk to you..."

Oh no, this can't be good.

•Nash's POV•

"Hey man. You okay?"

"No. Man, look I need to talk you...."

I decided to tell Cam how I feel about Casey. And how I saw Casey and Jack's kiss.

"Okay? What's up?" A nervous Cam asked.

I told him about the kiss first.

"Woah! So... Are they like a thing now?" He wondered.

"I don't even know. All I know is that I'm not okay with it."

He frowned at me.


"That's also has something else to do with what I need to talk to you about."

He just looked at me.

"Man, I think I love Casey."

•Cameron's POV•

"Man I think I love Casey."

That word hit me. Hard. I felt like a car just slammed into me. Matter of fact, I rather have a car hit me instead if hear what I just heard.

He can't love Casey.

He's is my best friend.

My brother.

He can't love her.

He CAN'T love her.



















Because I love her.

Casey's POV

I was just getting off the bench to head back to the hotel.

I'm so confused about everything.

About Nash.

About Matt.

About everything.

Like why did I even kiss Jack? I had barely even talked to him before and then I kiss him?

Oh, and given the fact that it feels like I have the hots for like every guy in Magcon.

I feel like such a whore.

I've never been like this before.

I need to choose.

Who do I want to be with?

Who do I want to kiss?

Who do I want to call mine?

So many questions.

That I don't have answers for.

•okay so that's my lame chapter! I have like 7.43 K reads which is so coooooooool!! Make sure you vote and comment☺️ thanks ! Okay Byeee•


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