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Chapter Nineteen•

•Cameron's POV•

I was 10:00 in the morning and everyone was up but Casey. I wanted to wake her up but not the way everyone else did. I knew she would be pissed if we did a smack cam on her but of course know one listened to me. Mason decided she would do it because Casey would have to forgive her because apparently they're really close. This is going to be bad. After we did it she just went straight back to sleep. What? Okay, I guess she wont get mad.


We were all in Lydia's room, for some odd reason, when there was a knock on the door. Mason went to go get it. When she opened the door she gasped. I'm guessing Hayes is here! "Oh, no is this the wrong room? Oh My Freaking Gosh! Mahogany you gave me the wrong room number!!" Hayes yelled. "Hayes!! What up bro! Bout damn time you got here!" "Nash?" "No! Casey!! Yes Nash!" Nash laughed. "Um.... My bad....." Hayes said quietly. "Hey, I'm Mason, Shawn's baby cousin. I'm guessing you're Hayes?" She smiled. "Yeah. Hi Mason, mind letting me in?" Hayes said like he didn't even notice her. Poor Mason. "Oh, yeah..........." Mason said while looking at the floor. The spark of happiness that was once in Mason Mendes's eyes is now gone. Hayes! Don't be a douche to Casey's sister!


It was about an hour later when we heard another knock. Who could it be this time? "Hayes go get the door" Aaron yelled. "Whatever!" Hayes responded. When he got up and opened the door he just froze. Than I heard the voice of an angel, "Hi. You must be Hayes! I'm Casey. Is my mom in here?" She questioned. She is so beautiful! I could tell Hayes thought she was hot because he smirked when he said" Hey. Yeah she is." Then he walked away. When he was walking towards us he mouthed 'She's HOT'. I looked at Mason and I could tell she was hurt. "Look who decided to get ready!" Shawn laughed. She just completely ignored him and walked into the bathroom to talk to her mom. When she walked out she didn't even look at us. She was just about to walk out on us without saying a word. She is pissed. Nash got up really fast and said something to her. She said something in reply and just walked out. Nash just stood there for a minute and then walked out. That should've been me. I should be the one chasing after her but once again Nash beats me to it! Now, I bet I my eyes looked just as sad and gloomy as Masons's did just awhile ago.

And boy did it hurt.


•Nash's POV•

We were in Casey's car on our way to Starbucks. It was really quit so I turned on the radio and the song "Blonde" bye Bridgit Menler was on. I sang along and I probably sounded like a dying animal. Casey started dying laughing! "What? I know I'm amazing!" I laughed along. "I'm better." She winked. She started to sing along. She was. She was amazing. There is know doubt that she is Shawn's cousin. It was perfect! "Wow! Cas, you are amazing!" I said. "Thanks Nash," she nodded, "but not as good as you!" She smirked. Can anyone get anymore sexier?

I got to make this girl mine.

 But how?

-I Almost have 1,100 reads! Thanks so much !



Kendra (@1dallthewaynojb) -Aarons 

Still need one for Carter and Hayes! 

Okay Byee!-

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