•Forty One•

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Chapter Forty One•
Casey's POV•

"Why?" I had just asked Nash.

"Why? Casey, there are so many reasons. When I first met you you were wearing a 'nashty' beanie and a sweater, skinny jeans, and Ugg boots. Yes, I remember. You were singing that terrible song 'Human' that I've always hated-" I gasped when he said that. He just chuckled and continued, "But when you sing it you make it sound amazing. When you seen all of us you were giving Shawn the death glare. But you ended up warming up to us and telling us about yourself. When Shawn told us we couldn't date you I thought it would be easy. Yeah I've heard around that you were beautiful, but man not this beautiful. See, with you it's not all about looks. You're not afraid to be yourself or stand up for other people, you're not afraid to have fun, you don't care what people think of you, you can wear no make, a messy bun, and sweatpants and look stunning, your family comes first and I admire that, and so much more. Your beauty is just a bonus to your perfection. So why do I say I love you? Because you're Casey."


"Nash. I.... I.... I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything. Just do to give up on the thought of us. Okay?"

He kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

He looked back more times then I could count.


Chapter Forty Two•
•Casey's POV•
I was in my moms hotel room with J and Mahogany. We were supposed to be leaving tomorrow but our flight got canceled because there're tornado warnings for the next 2 days.

Looks like we'll be stuck in Orlando.

I was thinking about what Nash said-

**Knock Knock Knock**

The sound of knocking cut off my thoughts.

"I'll get it." I rolled out of a bed and groaned like a zombie.

I was exhausted.

I opened the door to see the handsome Jacob Whitesides.

"Hey Casey! Can I hang with you guys?" I held out my arm so he knew he could come in.

He ran and then jumped on the bed I was on.

"Let's take a selfie?"

"And JOX is going to be in it? The fans are going to go crazy!" I laughed.

We all got in front of the camera so you could see all of our faces and gave our best smiles.

"I like it. Use the black and white filter!" J said.

We just hung out in the hotel as it pored outside.

Jacob was really cool. I could already tell he'd be one of my guy best friends.

I was thinking about what to do with Nash.

Or Matt?

To be honest I really don't even have to choose.

The answer came to me as sleep took over...


Chapter Forty Three•
•Casey's POV•
It was around 6:00pm and I was in my room packing.

We were leaving tomorrow.

My flight was at 3:00pm.

I just got done getting all my stuff together when I decided to get on twitter.

I haven't been my social media sights lately. I got on Instagram and let some fans follow me, and then posted some pics.

Then it was time to get on twitter.

So my whole timeline was filled up with-

*I'm going to miss Magcon*

*I don't want to see the boys go*

*Im crying because my idols are leaving*

*Tf is a locater will be my favorite thing that happened in Magcon #magconmemories*

What the actual fuck?

I got on the boys twitter to see that Carter, Hayes, Nash, and Cam were leaving the Magcon family.

I got up and ran to Nash and Cam's room and started banging on the door.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE LEAVING MAGCON?" I yelled at Carter as he opened their door.

"Casey calm down we can explain."

"You guys can't leave!"

"Casey calm down!" I heard Shawn yell.

He was here too.

"Then explain!" I said walking into their room.

After they explained what was going on I understood.

I looked at Nash and gave him a sympathetic smile.

It must suck because they were so used to seeing each other like every month. They were all like brothers now.

With Shawn leaving because his tour with Austin, and now them too.

He smiled back.

This might be the last time I see all the guys together again.

And as much I wish it didn't, it hurt.


Chapter Forty Four•
•Casey's POV•
We were leaving to go the airport.

So this is it?

That was my magcon experience?

As much drama that came with it, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I was already on the urge if tears.

I said by to everyone.

I hugged everyone.

I gave every guy a kiss on the cheek.

And I cried.

Last person was Nash.

I hugged him tight.

"Will I ever see you again?" he whispered.


"Boarding flight 87." I heard one of the workers say.

"That's me." I say, letting go.

I walk off with my family and look back once.

"I love you guys." I mouthed and they all smiled.

"We love you BAE!" Matt yelled!

I laughed and whipped my nose and got on my plane.

Time to go home.

So it's the end of magcon but not my book.... Not just yet. Only a few more chapters left though.



Okayy byee•

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