Chapter Thirty

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Scott's P.O.V.

Abby's Mom made her Dad run into the house and grab a towel while she pulled Abby out of the fountain to lecture her. Liam and Daniel pay no mind to them at all as they continue playing around in the water. I step out a few feet away from where Abby's Mom is scowling at her. I carefully maneuver my way around them and sprint inside of the house to dry off and change my clothes. Abby's parents already don't like me enough so I'm going to try my hardest to stay on their good sides.

I dry off quickly and pull on a pair of jeans and a blue button up shirt. I've sort of gotten a taste of what Abby's Mom thinks is right and basketball shorts with a dirty t-shirt probably wouldn't sit well with her. I don't mind dressing up a tad bit to make a good impression though, especially if it's for Abby. I grab some clothes for Abby to put on and jog down the stairs to see my parents greeting hers as Abby stands by with a towel wrapped around her neck as her clothes stick against her soaked body. I walk around the parents and over to Abby.

"I got you some clothes," I say as I hand the clothes over to her. She smiles gratefully before fast walking out of the room and into the bathroom. I turn around and see my parents walking out of the room, leaving me alone with Abby's parents. There's a very awkward and long moment of silence before anyone says anything.

"Good to see you again Mr and Mrs. Smith," I say as I awkwardly stick my hand out for them to shake.

"Same to you Scott," Abby's Mom shakes my hand for half of a second before quickly letting go. "How are you and Abby doing?"

That would certainly be the million dollar question, and I have absolutely no answer for it. What am I supposed to tell them? That we broke up awhile ago, still act like we're dating when we're around each other, and that I have absolutely no idea where our relationship stands right now?

"Good," I shrug as I move to shake Mr. Smith's hand.

"Anna told us that you two broke up," Mr. Smith says with a hint of annoyance in her voice.


Anna needs to mind her own business.

"Um yeah," I take a few steps back and scratch the back of my head. "I guess we did."

"What'd you mean you guess-"

Abby finally walks out of the bathroom before Mrs. Smith can finish what she was trying to say. I thank the heavens for Abby's amazing timing because that conversation was probably about to take a turn for the worst.

But as soon as she walks in, another force comes barreling into the room at top speed. Liam nearly tumbles over when he comes to a stop in front of all of us. Abby is shaking her head at the shirtless boy in front of us while I hold an amused smile on my face.

Liam appears to only be partially dry. He has a damp towel wrapped around his bare shoulder and the top of his body appears to be completely dry while the bottom half is still dripping water. He stands up straight as soon as he sees Abby's parents.

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