Chapter 28

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The next days are quiet.
Things are moving along like we aren't being watched! But my gut is churning, which I believe means that something is gonna happen.

We have church today, Prez wants everyone there!So must be important.

I feel my pocket vibrate, It can wait till I finish lunch I'm sitting at the café Stasia works at and she's on her break with me.

She has taken all this in her stride, I really thought she'd run, but she hasn't.
She's told me heaps about what happened to her growing up! The things Nana did with her and how she always had a backup plan, I'm great full to her! More than she will ever know!
If I ever meet this Frank guy he's dead..... I've always seen her scars but never knew how she got them. Well the night she revisited by telling me was bad, her nightmares came back and she needed showers to feel clean again.
I tried my hardest to ease her pain and she tells me I do, but I don't want her going back there ever!

Once we finish Stasia takes our plates,
"I'm on kitchen duty so I'll see you when I'm finished, only 2 more hours."
I nod and kiss her before going out to where Krip is, he says he has some news.
I walk across the road to see what Krip has found out but as I arrive he asks,
"She in front or out back."

"out back but, Tommy's there so she's covered."

He starts talking about a guy he knows, that use to talk to Frazer and I listen, till I hear a noise that sounds like a dog whining then it stops. We're both looking at each other trying to figure out if it's an animal.

I suddenly remember about the text I got before I grab my phone as Krip says,

"Someone must have kicked a dog..."

I nod, But what happens next tells me it's not a dog. As I open my text it's from an unknown number there are no words just 2 pictures! Ones of the back of the shop and the other is of Tommy's surprised face just before something hits him you can see the bat in the picture, I curse and we both start running. I run into the shop and Krip runs around the back.

But by the time we get there I know I'm too late. Stasia is crawling over to Tommy whose head is bleeding out and so is Stasia. She has blood seeping down her left side. She has tears running down her cheeks, just as I get to her Krip comes around the back, he sees her and comes to us but I shake my head.

"Krip check on Tommy call an ambulance NOW! "

He's on it, calling 000 I take off my shirt pushing it into Stasia's side, how the hell did this happen we had the place covered.
It doesn't make sense.
Tommy's good at what he does and we all know it, his training was from the army he was the one we got to put the boys through some steps! That's how good he is.

I hear Krip say
"Yeah there's a pulse but it's week, I have pressure there just hurry the fuck up!"
With that he hangs up, I can hear the sirens in the distance. Stasia just keeps saying
"He found me, he found me."
Over and over and I think I know who, it's not just her dad, it's Frank! There's no sign that anyone was back here but I'm looking from the floor ..... shit.

Once the ambos get here my dad and Prez are here too, plus more of the club.

The paramedics have Tommy up and in one ambulance there's another one here now for Stasia she's awake but in shock, the next paramedic tries to get her to talk, but gets nothing she only keeps mumbling the same thing! That she's been found!!

UNCHAINED TORTURE TO BLISS, Angels of Fury MC series Where stories live. Discover now