Week 1 - Eviction

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Louis walked to the sofas and sat down beside Niall, this was the first eviction and although he wasn't nominated he still felt nervous, his stomach seemed to churn slightly and he felt terrible that it was his fault that whoever went today went.

He honestly just hoped it would be Tom that went and then the next nominations would be normal again. Niall opened a packet of crisps and offered one to Louis who simply shook his head. Harry walked to the sofas and sat down on Louis' other side and he put an arm around Louis.

"I know I've not known you long, but I can only assume you're not feeling great because of the nominations. Know that none of us hold anything against you."

"Unless you want them too, then I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind offering to hold something against you." Niall cut in.

"Not the time Niall," Harry said and Louis smiled at them knowing they were trying to cheer him up somewhat. "What big brother did was horrible and any one of us could have been in the same position." Harry whispered. Louis smiled tightly and dropped his head on Harrys shoulder.

"Thanks," Louis sighed.

"and look on the Brightside," Niall said smiling warmly at him, it immediately made Louis want to smile, as did the hand running through his hair. "We didn't run out of food, otherwise i'd have been angry at you for not nominating these guys."

"Angry Niall," Louis gasped and Harry chuckled. "What would we have done."

"Died. I'd have killed you all in my hangry rage," Niall smiled and Louis shook his head slightly and breathed out feeling a little calmer.

"Can all contestants make their way to the seating area," The voice repeated and Caroline and Ben sat down beside Taylor who was looking down at her nails. Louis looked down too, his head still rested on Harrys shoulder. He felt Niall squeeze his knee and he turned to look at him.

"Either way you'd have been screwed but at least this way the public had a lot to do with the choice. If you'd have halved our rations I'd have voted you out next week." Niall said and Louis let out a laugh.

"Nice to know you value food over our friendship." He said.

"If you'd have halved our food, I'd have ignored you and there would be no friendship." Niall grinned. "But really, I think everyone's over blaming you." At this he nodded at Taylor and Louis simply nodded. She looked pale and he just wished the house would hurry up and start this to end their torture.

"I'd have still been your friend." Harry said. "But you definitely made the right decision." Louis smiled at him and suddenly there was a fuzzing noise, like a television that's out of satellite and the projector on the wall seemed to come to life.

A moment later the screen turned on and it showed Nick the presenter stood on the platform outside with the crowd behind him.

"You are live on Channel Five, please do not swear." He said and all Louis could hear was cheering. He looked at the crowd and could see posters and people jumping up and down screaming and waving at the camera.

"You're very popular," Louis muttered to Harry, there were loads of signs with his name written on it and there were quite a few for Niall too. He saw about one for everyone but was a but too scared to read any with his name on them.

"So are you," Harry whispered into his ear, his breath making the hairs on Louis' neck stand on end and a slight shiver run down his spine that he tried hard to hide.

"Taylor," Nick said loudly and Louis looked back at the screen. "Ben," He continued after a pause "and Tom, you are all up for nomination this week by Louis."

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