Day 10 in the Big Brother House and Louis, Liam and Zayn talk Crushes

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Louis woke up once again to the alarm blaring which was a shame because he was still wrapped around Harry, their fingers linked together and their feet entwined together. Louis didn't want to get up at all.

"No," Harry whined into the room and Louis groaned into his neck as he heard the others all start getting out of bed.

Deciding he'd better get up, he started to unwind their legs and Harry turned around in his arms, their fingers unlinking too. Louis felt disappointed and he frowned slightly, not fully awake and completely deaf.

Harry looked at him with a small smile as they looked at each other.

"Hate to break up this cute romantic moment," Perrie said her voice raised loudly over the alarm, "But get the fuck up."

"No need to be so rude," Louis sighed and they both sat up with yawns before getting out of the bed. The alarm stopped and Louis gave one of the cameras his most hateful glares. He made his way to the bathroom and got himself ready for the day before finding the others in the kitchen. He moved towards the sofas, there weren't many people there and he sat down beside Taylor who was drinking some kind of juice.

"Hey," She said to him.

"Alright," He said with a smile, "how are you holding up?"

"Not too bad," She said with a nod, "I'm starting to miss family and my cats a bit. So how are you taking being up for eviction?" Taylor asked him, Louis hummed thoughtfully and shrugged.

"I don't know I feel it's not making a big difference now but the nearer it gets I can imagine i'll get more nervous." He said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, that's how I felt." She nodded.

"Can the housemates make their way to the sofas," the house called and Louis looked at Harry as he lowered himself next to him with a bowl of cereal. He gave Louis a grin and Louis returned it easily while everyone else sat down around the sofas. Louis rested his head onto Harrys shoulder still feeling tired.

"Todays challenge is a tasting one," The house spoke and Louis sighed. This probably would not be his favourite challenge so far.

"You will each have to taste each of the items on the table and between you, you will only be given thirty spits." The house said.

"I'm a good swallower," Louis muttered just at Harry had taken a mouthful of his cereal, to his great pleasure because he was a bit of a dick obviously, Harrys cereal ended up over everyone around him and Louis cackled.

Harry threw his hand over his mouth as he choked and sent Louis a look as if to say 'why?'. Louis sent him a wink and focused into the house.

"The table will be set up on the stage, good luck."

"Why would you say that while I'm eating?" Harry whined dropping his head back against the sofa and pouting at Louis. He forced himself not to lean in and patted Harrys cheek instead.

"Oh sweet little Harold, why wouldn't I say it while you were eating." He said before standing up to follow the others to the garden. Harry, who'd ended up not actually eating his cereal followed him.

"Decided it's best I don't eat before this challenge, I'd rather not throw up." Harry said. Louis laughed and moved closer to see what was on the table.

It ranged from mustard, Tabasco and baby food to what looked to be some kind of road kill on a plate.

"This will be fun." Louis muttered.

"They've ruined food, they've actually ruined food." Niall said in a voice Louis would take to the family pet having died. He patted Niall on the head and stared at the food in disgust.

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