Day 26 in the Big Brother House and James Sticks a Pizza to the Ceiling

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Louis woke up to the bed moving, like someone was crawling over it and as he opened an eye blearily, he could see Harry was indeed crawling out of the bed.

Louis managed to find strength to reach out and hit Harry's bum, it was a pathetic slap but it got Harry's attention who stopped and turned to look at him.

"Did I wake you?" He asked in a whisper looking a little guilty and Louis smiled sleepily.

"No, or maybe, I don't really know." Louis yawned and rubbed at his eyes before sitting up slightly and watching as Harry moved to sit in the bed too.

"Liam and Jesy have gone out to exercise and I was going to join," Harry whispered. "Do you want to come too?"

"I'm not exercising but I'll cheer you on," Louis said wrapping the blanket around himself as Harry smiled and got up from the bed.

He went to find stuff to change into and Louis stood up from the bed as well keeping the blanket around him. He moved to Harry's clothes and smiled as he grabbed one of Harry's hoodies to put on, keeping the hood up. He ignored Harry's blatant staring and moved to where his own clothes were thrown.

He put on his own sweats since he didn't want to trip over in Harry's and he followed him out of the bedroom.

"You look good in my clothes," Harry told him as they walked through the kitchen and living room to the door leading outside.

"Well I prefer wearing your clothes, you're going to have to deal with me stealing them all." He said as they walked outside. Jesy and Liam were already in the garden warming up and Louis smiled at Harry who was still watching him. It was cold and Louis shivered having not put any shoes or socks on.

"I can put up with that," Harry smiled.

"Now go work out, or do some more yoga I wouldn't mind watching more of that." Louis teased pulling the sleeves over his hands to keep some heat in.

"Maybe someday we'll do some yoga together naked, hey?" Harry asked still grinning and Louis smirked.

"I think I have some better ideas that we could do together naked, Harold." He said turning to the smoking shelter where it was comfortable for him to sit and watch and he looked over his shoulder to see Harry smiling to himself as he walked over to the other two.

He curled up on the seats and watched as Harry began stretching and warming up with the others and Louis couldn't help but watch Harry.

He was just beyond perfect, and Louis felt so lucky that Harry obviously reciprocated his feelings. Louis didn't know what he'd have done if Harry hadn't. Probably made a fool out of himself many a time trying to woo him.

However, they'd managed to fall into something so naturally, so easily that Louis knew it was special. Knew Harry was going to be a massive part of his life from now on.

He was joined by Perrie and Zayn half an hour later who curled up together watching the others doing their work put together. Liam was doing press ups while Jesy was moving up and down the plant pot doing step ups. Harry, true to his word was doing some yoga and Louis kept his eyes on his back.

"Hey, Lou." Perrie said and Louis finally looked away from Harry to them instead, Perrie was sending him a smug look, like she knew it was hard to look away from him.

"Yeah?" He asked and She smiled,

"So Zayn kind of knows what you're planning and is all up for trying to help." She said quietly and Louis' eyes flicked to him as he smiled and Louis returned it.

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