Day 20 in the Big Brother House and The Housemates have a Fruit Fight

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As the alarm once again woke him, he rolled onto his side and found that he was alone in the bed. His eyebrow furrowed slightly as he realised Harry must have bought him into the bed the night before and having gone to bed at a reasonable time he found himself feeling incredibly rested and actually fully awake.

He wiped the last of his sleep from his eyes before he pushed off the blanket and stood up from the bed, moving over to Harrys clothes and grabbing one of his jumpers knowing Harry wouldn't have a problem with it.

Niall was still sleeping on the bed as the last few people in the room got up and moved to the bathroom or out into the living room and Louis sighed knowing Niall would probably still sleep through the alarm. He had after all pulled an all nighter the night before and so Louis knelt onto the bed and he grabbed Nialls ankle which was poking out of the blanket.

The alarm was slowly getting louder and Louis groaned as he started dragging the sleeping lump out of his bed and into the middle of the floor. As his hand drooped off the mattress the alarm stopped and Louis sighed thankfully before he stepped over Niall, hoping no one stood on him but also, another part of him hoping someone would and he walked from the bedroom and into the living room where Zayn and Perrie were sat talking on the sofa eating cereal. Mary and Caroline were at the dining room table, while Jade, James and Leigh-Anne were kicking the football between them.

Louis' eyes then trailed on where Harry was bare chested and doing push ups beside Liam, his skin glistening slightly like he'd actually been working out all morning and Louis' throat went dry as he watched Harrys muscles.

"Fetch a bucket," Perrie said, "I think we have a leak, either that or it's Lou's drooling." Perrie said loudly smirking as Louis turned around to look over at where her and Zayn were cuddled on the sofa.

"Yeah, fetch a bucket so I can puke," Louis said, "Your face is making me queasy."

"Oh ho," Perrie said grinning and showing no malice as Louis shook his head grinning too, "Big words for such a small guy."

"You see you're trying to hurt me, but you're words just go over my head." Louis said.

"Right, because you're short." Perrie nodded and Louis raised his eyebrows, he'd completely set that up for her and he was surprised he'd let that happen. He blamed Harry completely for frying his brain.

"Shut your face," Louis told her and Zayn grinned.

"How does one shut ones face?" He asked.

"You shut it in things, slam a door on it a few times, I'm sure it would make one hell of an improvement." He said and Perrie laughed shaking her head as Zayn smirked beside her.

"Don't take your problems out on me, Tomlinson." Perrie said, "It's not my fault you're being a knob and not off sucking his cock or boning. You're the one cock blocking yourself."

"Oh my god, shut up, my sisters watch this." Louis groaned walking to the kitchen to get himself some breakfast as Perrie and Zayn laughed again.

"When are you going to cave and ask him out?" Perrie continued and Louis focused on pouring the cereal and getting the milk out of the fridge.

"When and if I'm not nominated." He said and Perrie snorted.

"One of both of you will be nominated along the lines anyway why is it any different starting your relationship now than a few days before that happens?" Zayn said, and Louis rolled his eyes as he poured the milk over his cereal.

"As if Harry will ever be nominated," Louis snorted putting the milk back into the fridge, "He's perfect, no one's going to nominate him."

""I may just to spite you," Zayn hummed and Louis closed the fridge door.

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