Day 28 in the Big Brother House and Louis has Organised a Date for Harry

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Like each week before hand, Louis woke up with nerves swimming through him, however this time he knew it had nothing to do with the upcoming eviction and everything to do with the sleeping boy behind him.

Harrys face was pressed into Louis' back and he was swelteringly hot. It was actually rather nice though and as Louis slowly opened his eyes he squinted around the room.

The housemates were all still in their beds and it seemed rather dark so Louis knew it must be early. He somehow always woke up early on the one day he was actually able to sleep in and he kind of hated himself for this.

He closed his eyes again trying to fight off his bodies attempts to wake up and he focused on the feel of Harrys arms around him, how Louis had a grip around Harrys wrist that he'd obviously subconsciously done in his sleep.

Harrys breath was hitting his neck, warmth hitting him with every exhale and he could feel the rise and fall of Harrys breath with each where Harrys chest was up against his back.

It was extremely calming and Louis smiled to himself feeling once again extremely lucky to have found himself in this place with Harry.

He knew for a fact he was not going back to sleep, but he was more than content now to lay with his eyes closed and daydream about how Harry was going to react later when he bought him breakfast in bed and explained exactly what was going to be happening during the day.

Louis knew Harry would absolutely not be expecting it having for once been quite secretive with the organisation of it. However, he really wished the house would have helped make it a little more private like they had with Zayn and Perrie.

It would have made it even more special but Louis was just happy to be able to do something for Harry and knew Perrie, Jade, Zayn and Niall would try to help out when they could.

As the room got lighter, Louis turned around in Harrys arms letting go of his wrist and moving to wrap an arm around Harry who, while still asleep, moved to lay on Louis and wrap his lags with Louis.

Louis smiled to himself as he got more comfortable and began moving his arm up and down Harrys back, soft enough not to wake him. They had been here almost a month now, and Louis had never gone so slowly with anyone in his life, especially not someone who he had such a connection with and part of him felt quite proud of himself for keeping his control around Harry so long. The other part of himself was beating himself up for withholding from Harry for all this time because they could have been even closer by now, if that was actually possible.

As Louis watched a couple of the housemates get up from their beds and make their way out of the bedrooms, some to the bathroom and some to the living room, Louis decided he'd better get up and start on his plans. Especially because he knew he wasn't the best cook.

He wondered if someone would be willing to watch over him while he made it to point him in the right direction and as he saw Liam get up he very slowly moved Harry off him and rolled from the bed as quietly as possible.

Harrys eyebrows furrowed and he moved pulling the blankets in around him and his hand gripped onto one of the pillows in his sleep. Louis smiled down at him before moving to put on one of Harrys jumpers and he followed Liam towards the living room and caught him before he could go into the garden for his usual work out.

"Morning," He said and Liam gave him a sleepy smile. "Strange request but you're responsible enough with most things and I need to cook a breakfast and I'm going to need you to oversee it so I don't burn anything. I kind of need it to be perfect."

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