Stressed and Now Onesie Dressed

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DEDICATED TO THE SWEETEST @NatasjaLB for requesting this age play prompt.

Louis- will become a year old





PS I though this was a clever title but no one probably thought it was funny and yeah this is my life bye


Louis' Pov

Today has been a hell of a day. Niall forced me up early to get him food, Zayn made me sit for two hours to draw me, Liam made me watch movies with him, and Harry just wanted cuddles all day (please who is Louis complaining). Being the oldest is starting to get difficult. I love my boyfriends to death but i miss having someone to take care of me. The boys and I have been thinking about adopting a child but i don't really want another body to take care of.

Harry's Pov

The boys and I have noticed that Louis has been sorta down lately. He's always running errands for us and im worried that we are pushing him too hard. We all decided since we wanted a child and we wanted to take care of Louis. We decided to bring up the idea of age play. Liam went out to buy the things we needed and Zayn, Niall, and I went upstairs to bring the news to our little Lou.

Zayn's Pov

I knocked on Louis' door and looked nervously at the other two. We didn't know how Louis would react to being treated like a baby. Louis opened the door and smiled at us.

"Hey guys, whats going on? Do you need something?"

"Actually Lou, we need to talk to you." Niall said.

He looked confused but opened the door more, allowing us to come in. Niall and I sat down on the bed as well as Louis and Harry, after Harry gave him a quick peck on the cheek. We all held onto Louis hand and Niall began explaining.

Niall Pov

"Hey bud, we've all been noticing that we have been pushing you kinda far and you've seem very upset lately, so we were wondering if you'd be up for an idea."

"Well what idea do you have in mind?" He looked nervously at all us and Harry smiled supportively at him. Zayn continued on.

"We though of trying out age play." Louis looked up at us and you could tell he was contemplating. He sighed and smiled at us. "Yeah, I'm up for it, i guess"

Third Person

Hours later, Louis was dressed in a blue onesie and clapping in his Daddy's lap. It surpised them all how well he was taking this, but they knew they would have struggles down the road. Zayn walked in handing Harry a bottle and got Louis ready for his dinner. Louis laid in Harry's arms and Zayn and Niall surrounded them. They all coo'ed at Louis as he sucked gently on the tip of the bottle. When it was finished, he smiled big and clapped his hands, closing his eyes but not before saying "Goodnight daddies, i wub you"


SO YAY thanks guys for sending things in, it means alot. I will be updating my story every monday, wednesday and friday so send in some more requests. Love you all.

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