Forever Young

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Niall is 6 and wants to be younger so he tries to get his daddy to see





Louis- Dee


Hearing the loud giggles and shouts coming from his little brother, NIall ran down the stairs, going to see what all the loud commotion was about. When he entered, he saw his Dee throwing Liam in the air and catching him, while Dada and Daddy laughed along. Niall ran over to them and pull on Louis' pant leg. "Dee me want up too" Louis sighed and handed Liam off to Zayn, shaking his head and replying "Your too big buddy just come sit down and watch tv okay" Niall pouted but nodded, sitting down. He wanted to watch Power Rangers but Liam turned on Toy Story. He grabbed the remote, going to change the channel but Harry stopped him saying "No Niall, the baby gets to choose today" Niall was going to argue that he got to choose everyday but didnt bother. He just sat on the floor and played with his toys.

Later on, around lunch time, NIall walked into the kitchen, smiling. He noticed Liam already in his high chair but saw his missing. "Dada chair high?" he asked. Zayn shook his head "No, only babies get high chair, you sit like a big boy okay bud?" Niall pouted, being very upset by this, tried to get on the big chair. Harry noticed he was having trouble and quickly plopped him down, mumbling somehthing along the lines of "big boy" "shouldnt need help". Niall had to feed himself and kept thinking about the words "only babies"

Niall decided he didnt wanna be a big boy, he wanted to be little if thats what it took to get love from his daddies. Niall jumped down from the chair and ran into the living room. He forcefully peed in his pants, smiling slightly and walking over to Louis. "Dee me peed in my pants". Louis looked angry, but grabbed Niall, holding him away from his body, taking him upstairs. "Niall you are too old to be acting like this what is going on?"

Niall busted out crying, much to Louis' surpise. "Daddies only love baby Li cause baby, Ni wanted to be baby so daddies love him too" Louis heart broke, of course he loved Niall, loved him with all his being. Louis changed Niall into a nappy and onesie, holding him close and calling the others in. He quickly filled in what happened, all while rocking Niall. They all decided Niall would be in a headspace of a one year old for a while, very pleasing to hear for Niall. They quickly fed their two babies a bottle and put them in their rooms, putting up Niall's old crib back into his room. Harry, Zayn, and Louis surronded his crib, smiling down at their little boy. "We are so sorry we were being meanies today babe, we love you so much" Harry whispered. Niall smiled and stood up, pecking all of his daddies lips and mumbling a quick "me love you more" before drifitng off to sleep, ready to be fed and held like the baby he wanted to be.


I actually like the writing alot and i think im gonna stick with it. i need more request because this was my last saved one,which means no more writing until i have an idea what to write. Plus i HAVE OVER 800 READS AND 8 VOTES thats crazy. I honestly thought no one would care about this book, but it seems i am only few of active age play writers. I am trying my best to come up with more ideas but i dont want ones done before. So yeah i love you all so much and justin drew bieber is life. peace

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