Fireworks Start the Water Works

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larry based bc i want it that way (TELL ME WHY AINT NOTHING BUT A HEART ACHE OR BREAK IDK)


harry-1 headspace

metnion of niall


Every year on fourth of july, Louis and Harry have everyone over to eat, swim, get drunk, and watch the fireworks the park near their home has. But this year is a little different. Harry had began age play way before the tour started, and they were loving every seconds of it. Everyone in their crew knew of this and they simply adored harry, because hey who wouldnt.

They knew Harry was afraid of fireworks without being in his headspace, but they thought it would go away once he got in his headspace. But they weren't sure, because hey, its not everyday you have huge blast of colorful explosions happening to test that theory.

They were all outside, Niall swimming with Harry in the pool, trying to teach him how to float on his back. Zayn and Liam were somewhere getting drunk, not too sure if its off the beer or each other, but that is something Louis did not want to know. Everyone was gathered around in different places, the colors of red white and blue being everywhere he looked making his vision start to blur. They were in America this time for the event, and how could you not celebrate when you were there?

Louis watched as NIall and Harry got out of the pool, Niall whispered something to Harry then gave him the slight push he needed to start walking. Harry ran over to Louis, giggling and holding his arms out to be picked up. "Hi baby boy, did you have fun with Uncle Ni?" Harry nodded his head and clapped, hugging his dada tight. Louis supported him on one hip, continuing to make the burgers and other amercian things they always had. When he was finished, he gave Harry a big sloppy kiss, patting his wet bottom. "Dada, change pwease." Louis smiled, proud his baby had said he needed a change and brought him over to one of the lounge chairs. He laid him down and changed from a swimming diaper to a fresh one, putting him in an american flag onsie. 

He sat him down next to Zayn and everyone began eating. After everyone was done, it had began to get darker. Everyone set up their chairs or blankets, getting even more beer and sitting down so they could have the best spot/ "Cmon, Haz, come watch the fireworks with Uncle Ni" Harry took his hand and ran over to his picnic blanket, He sat down in his lap, but turned to look at his daddy and waved. Louis laughed and blew him a kiss, which Harry laughed at and blushed all over. Louis sat down near the patio, watching his baby carefully and the sky. Soon, they first booms erupted, then five more, and then that wasnt the only thing he heard.

Harry was screaming and crying in Niall's lap, trying to get out of his grip, wanting to go see Louis and get cuddles. "Ni let go! Me want dada" harry began to scream louder and his fist, which brought no pain, began to hit Niall. Niall let him go and Harry ran as fast as ever. he flung himself into louis' lap, sobbing and hiding his face in Louis' neck. His hands were over his ears and his body trembling. "Hey buddy its okay baby, daddy's got you" Harry shook his head, wrapping his legs tight around him. "Dada make it stop pwease" Louis' heart broke. He kissed harry's face, making Harry giggle lightly. He turned Harry around, who tried to turn back and hide, but Louis pointed at the sky. "Look baby, see the pretty colors and shapes, what color is that?" "Bwue dada!" Harry had easily forgotten how scary it was. Louis grabbed his phone and disconnected the ear phones. putting them in Harry's ear so the sound of the fireworks wouldnt be too loud. They laughed and guessed the colors, Harry comparing the blue ones to his dada's eyes.

Later on that night, when everything was put away and cleaned up, Harry and Louis were laying in bed, Harry only in his diaper. "dada, tank you for saving harry from scary booms". Louis lauhed and rubbed his back, making Harry's eyes start to close. "I'l always save ya baby boy, dada loves you lots." "Me love you more dada" and so they drifted off to sleep, only to be woken up by more loud booms and more sobbing. Remind Louis to not come back to America next year for the fourth of july


So i thought of this based on fetus harry being scared and i am awesome right no. ANYWHO I GOT MY HAIR RE-DYED its not bright red no more its like a dark red and its got purple. and the fact i wrote this whole thing while listening to michael clifford laugh for an hour amazes me. Hope you love it and FUCK YEAH AMERICA WOOOOO

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