He's mine

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louis and harry are actual brothers and harry gets jealous bc louis is ignoring hin bc new friends but make up in end



my writing is legit getting to be such shit as time goes on bc over 100 on the first and only 20 on this im such an ew


Harry and Louis, brothers and sons of Liam and Zayn Malik, have always been close from the start. Louis was so thrilled to have a little brother and seeing a cute little Harry made Louis' day. They did everything together, they ate, played, bathed, sang, and slept together. Their daddies didnt see any problem with it and were happy with their two cute little boys. Louis recenrly turned 12, and as time went on, little Harry was being left behind.

Louis thought he was too mature for toys or cuddling. He didn't wanna hang out with his baby brother, he had cool friends like Niall and Josh and Nick. Watching Spongebob was lame, he wanted to watch cool things like movies and scary shows. Harry on the other hand, didn't like this. He always woke up with nightmares and expected to see his big brother, but he was never there. He had no one to play with because daddies were always busy. Harry didn't like Louis' friends. Whenever they came over, Nick would push Harry and take his toys, having Niall and Josh hide them and continue to tease Harry.

It was a friday, every other friday Louis' friends would come over and play for a while. Harry stood at the door, waiting for Louis like he always did. When he opened the door, all his friends laughed and Louis pushed Harry aside. Zayn saw the whole thing, picking up his sniffling baby and glaring at Louis. He ignored his dad and ran outside to go play soccer. Zayn brought harry outside aswell, telling him if they bothered him again, to go get his daddy. Harry nodded and watched as they played, but Nick did not enjoy his company.

"I'm going to get some juice, i'll be right back!" Louis yelled to his friends. Niall nodded and the three walked over to harry. "Hey loser" Josh teased, grabbing harry's toys and throwing them across the yard. Harry's lip trembled but he didn't dare say anything. "Aw is the poor baby gonna cry?" Nick teased, Harry shook his head no and that just made the boys angrier. "Stupid baby, hasnt anyone ever told you not to lie. Your such a loser, all you do is cry, I bet you still wear nappies" Nick taunted and pushed a standing Harry down. Little did they know, Louis was watching the whole thing.

Louis couldnt stand his brother, yes, but he was the only one to pick on Haryy, because that was his little brother. No one should ever hurt him. Lou was frozen in place, until he heard the wails from Harry. Louis ran over, pushing his "friends" away from his brother and lifted him up. "You guys can;t be mean to him, leave him alone" "You do it all the time Lou, come on he's just a dumb baby" "no he's not, and i can do it because im his brother, now go home" They rolled their eyes and proceeded to go.

Louis looked down at the crying boy in his arms and sighed. He has been extremely rude to his baby brother and he didnt wanna be like that. He sat Harry down in his lap, rubbing his back "I am so sorry buddy, i didnt mean to ignore you, im sorry they hurt you" Harry looked up at Lou and rubbed his eyes, "you no love me" Louis heart broke, of course he loved him, he always had. "Aw no Haz, i love you, i was just being a meanie and didnt realize i was hurting you, please stop crying" Harry nodded and smiled a huge smile, hugging his brother tight.

Louis brought him inside, telling his daddies of what happened and apologizing for being so rude to his family. They gave their boys some hot chocloate and sat them down to watch tons of movies, They all cuddled on the couch, Harry is Louis' lap. No matter what, Louis would always love  his little brother.


WAH i felt bad i couldnt update yesterday so here. LUKE HEMMINGS FOLLOWED ME ON TUESDAY , AND I DIDNT EVEN MENTION HIM, I WAS SOBBING BC LIKE 5SOS ONLY FOLLOWED ME A WEEK AGO ON TUESDAY WHAT EVER. so thanks luke for that surprise attack. The You & I music vid came out today and i like the morphing HARRY AND LOUIS CHANGING WAS THE BEST UGH THEY ARE SO IN LOVE but i thought the whole thing was kinda weird idk. But yes my bae justin dissed drake bell and im so proud, ANYWAY hope you guys love this and i wll see you all on mondayyy.

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