Clingy And Cute

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Louis- 3 headspace



Niall-5 headspace


Coming home at 3 am was always an event for the ever popular one direction. But it was never an easy task for the age players in the group. Niall and Louis have been doing age play for a while now, starting when the hate they recieved grew. They enjoyed being babied by there boyfriends Harry and Liam, while being watched by 'uncle' Zayn. They were currently sleeping, coming back way to late in the night. It was hard for them to be big boys so they were always exhuasted when they didn't get to have their naps when they wanted.

Liam woke up, going to do his normal routine of waking up Louis while Niall always wanted Harry to get him up. Liam walked in to a sobbing Lou, who sobbed even louder when Liam entered the room. It was no surpise to Liam that Harry was lou's favorite, but he always wanted his daddy to wake him up. "Hey baby, sh its okay daddy's here" which only resulted in louder cries. Liam picked him up, met with little fist pounding onto his chest. Liam sighed and called our for Harry, who came running in with a laughing Niall in his arms. "He doesn't want me today, so i can take of Ni, you can have this pesky little thing." Harry smiled and placed Niall down, taking his baby boy and bringing him to the changing table. Liam was amazed at how the sobs have suddnly stopped but quickly regained himself and carried Niall downstairs to make breakfast. 

"Whats the matter bubs, you feeing okay?" Louis shook his head, sucking on his thumb and whining. "Sleepy, dada." He was once again close to tears but Harry quickly picked him up and cuddled him close to his chest. "My poor bug, how bout we give you a bottle and we can watch any movie my little man wants okay" Harry sat him down again, kissing his forehead before he started crying. "But promise dada no more crying okay, cause when loulou cries dada cries" Louis shook his head, "no sad dada," and stuck his pinky out. Harry laughed and connected his pinky with his boy's, earning a giggle and gentle arms to wrap around his neck.

Harry brought him down to see Niall sitting in Liam's lap, playing with his daddy's hair and laughing loud. Harry shook his head and went into the kitchen to find some food. He was going to place they boy down in his chair, but was resulted in a death grip around his neck and whimpers. Harry put him on his hip, wrapping his arm around his waist and using his hand to lay Louis' head down on his shoulder. He laid his own head on his 'son's' cuddling back his baby boy. After successfully making food, he walked back into the living room, sitting on the recliner and feeding his boy some soup. After three spoonfuls, Lou let out a small cry and pushed the spoon away, falling dramtically back onto his dada's chest. Liam laughed loudly, taking the crying Niall into his arms and grabbing the bowl, kissing lou's head and disapearing upstairs. 

Harry rubbed Louis' back, kissing his forehead every so often. Louis was overly tired and was once again close to ear splitting sobs again. Harry picked him up and effortlessly, thanks to all the workouts and big boy sex (LOL), hovered louis over his face while planting large, slopping kisses all over his face. Louis laughed loud, squealing and trying to move away. Harry brought him back down and reclined the chair, laying back with his loveable boy laying on him. Louis chin was rested on Harry's chest, looking at him adoringly. "Dada?" "yeah pumpkin" "me love you lots dada" Harry smiled and wrapped his arms tight around his body. "I love you too sweetheart, dada loves you lots" They both rested down and slowly closed their eyes, Louis falling asleep to the sound of his dada's heartbeat and Harry falling asleep to the sweet three words his everything told him.


aw yay another one, ONCE AGAIN LARRY BECAUSE FUCK YEAH LARRY. i wanna thank you guys heaps for talking to me and voting. Can i just say that justin drew bieber in a tux will be the death of me and his most likely the reason i did not post because i was too busy drooling over that piece of sex. I also heard Ashton went out to meet fans one day and some screamed and ashton said "sorry, i guess i wasnt one you wanted to see" that makes me so sad because he is such a sweetheart and he was the missing puzzle piece the boys needed. SO ASHTON IRWIN SHUTUP BECAUSE I LOVE YOU OKAY. lets get this one shot TO 5 VOTES and maybe 3 comments. IDK GUYS I HAVE NEEDS LOL nighty night guys, i love you all

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