Falling For You, Literately

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i am so clever lol another larry because i can and my icon slays life

harry- 3 headspace


niall-10 headspace


Louis was wide awake from the cries of his overgrown baby. Louis and Niall decided to start an ageplay where Niall was ten and Harry thought it was a good idea if he would join as well. Months later, the family was happy and the stress of the whole "biggest boyband in the world right now" disappeared for just a while. 

"Hi my little man, you sleep okay?" Louis smiled down at his baby, who nodded overdramtically and made grabby hands towards his daddy. Louis picked him up, who quickly latched onto his daddy. Louis listened to his son telling the story of dream. He gently placed him down on the changing table, quickly changing his diaper since harry was still embarrased by the whole thing. He qucikly placed him on the floor and surronded him with pillows so he wouldnt get hurt, stuffed animals and toys for his little one to play with. "Daddy is gonna go make breakfast, Nialler will be in soon to play okay? Daddy willl come back and get you when yummy's are done. Give daddy a kiss babe." Harry leaned up and kissed his lips sloppily, giggling. Niall ran in and hugged his 'dad' and sat down with his baby bro.

Twenty mintues later, Louis called up to Niall, telling him their pancakes were ready. Niall looked at his little brother, grinning, not knowing harry hasn't mastered the stairs yet. "First one there gets cuddles from daddy all day" Niall exclaimed, quickly helping harry up and running with him to the stairs. Harry was too busy laughing to hear his brother tell him to slow down near the stairs because it was far too late. Harry ran straight for the stairs, slipping as soon as he hit the first one and tumbled down, rolling and rolling along the hardwood covering and hitting the tile floor. The whole house went completely silent, Niall at the top of the stairs, eyes wide and staring at the mass on the floor, Louis standing in the doorway of the kitchen, mouth wide open. 

But the quiet didnt last long, because two seconds later, loud screams and sobs were heard from the headspace 20 year old. Louis ran fast over to his baby and picked him up, rocking him gently and whispering words of comfort in his ear. Niall ran and got his blanket and quickly came down, trying to soothe his little brother. But the screams wouldnt stop. Niall sat down and Louis put harry down, looking over his baby to see if he got any bruises or cuts. He had one giant bruise on his hip and a small cut over his elbow. Harry kept trying to get out of niall's arms to see his daddy, but niall wouldnt let him go, which made it ten times worse.

Soon louis got him all fixed up and kisses were placed everywhere the little guy could imagine. The screams have settled and Niall apologized mulyiple times, even though no one was mad at him. Louis was cleaning up with food, with a tired baby in his arms. "You wanna go cuddle with daddy baby? we can watch a movie?" Harry nodded, gripping onto him even tighter than before. Louis layed down on the couch, Harry on his chest, sucking away at his binky. He slowly started to fall asleep because of the rubs his daddy was giving him. "Love you daddy, i sorry i ran, no more booboos for harry" Louis smiled and kissed his baby, calling up for Niall to come down and cuddle and responding to his little headspace lover, a sincere "i love you too pumpkin".


YAY IM POSTING AGAIN idk i really like this one because hurt harry is so cute and cuddly. I REACHED 10K ON MY TWITTER TODAY AHHH. also i wanna let you guys know that i am getting help and i should be okay and happy(hopefully) SO YEAH IM GONNA NEED 4 VOTES AND I WILL POST ANOTHER ONE SOON THANKS LOVE YOU

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