Sitting in The Tub

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Niall's bath (niam)

Niall- headspace of one


WOO GO NIAM even though i love ziam WOO (please read the end note bc important)

it doesnt seem like anyone likes this one shot idk i feel like i failed and spent more time on ranting im sorry im shit mee


Running after his little one, Liam grabbed a laughing Niall, carrying him upside down to the bathroom. Niall was being fussy and didn't want to take a bath, even though he was covered in paint and had wet his nappy mulitple times day. Liam closed the door to the bathroom and placed his red-faced baby on the floor. Niall started to run but Liam stopped him. "Babe if you don't stand still, im going to put you in the bath without toys and then into timeout, understand?" Niall pouted but nodded, quickly hugging his dada. Niall put his arms up, Liam laughing and sliding his shirt off.

Liam proceeded to out loads of bubbles in the bath and set the basket of toys near the tub for Niall. He lifted a naked Niall up, placing him in the rising bubbles and cool water. Niall squealed at all the white suds and took tons of toys and placed them in the bath. Liam began to clean his little boy, washing off the red and blue colors Niall had used to paint his dada a flower. Niall refused to put his head back when getting his hair washed, resulting in an eye ful of shampoo.

Niall began to cry and splash water everywhere, rubbing his eyes quickly, trying to rid of the burning. Liam quickly grabbed his baby, wrapping him in a towel and wiping his eye on the end of it. "its okay buddy, i got it, no more rubbing it okay baby boy" Niall nodded, wrapping his arms around Liam's neck, sniffling into his shoulder. Liam took this as the oppurtunity to do the difficult task of brushing his hair. Niall giggled and stood up, getting his dada to help him brush his teeth. "Tanks dada, i love you." Liam kissed his baby, saying he loved him more, which resulted in a cute i-love-you-more match. Niall grinned when Liam mentioned getting changed into his jammies, he started walking with his dada to his bedroom. Niall stopped and looked up at him "dada, guess what" Liam looked down at his boy, confusin written on his face. Niall laughed loudly, running off, still completely nude screaming after his dada "dada gotta come get me first. Liam took off after him, laughing, oh how he did love bath time.


I wanted to write something serious here. Recently, Ashton Irwin has been getting serious amounts of hate, from his own "fans". I want to say that how dare some of them tell Ashton he is an asshole and tell him to cut himself. That is actually so disgusting and revolting. As a belieber, i am used to seeing my idol get hate and I WILL defend my idol untill the day i die. Which is why i am writing this about Ashton. Ashton Fletcher Irwin DOES NOT deserve hate in any fucking way. He is one of the most caring, sweetest boy i have ever met and to see HIS OWN GODDAMN FANS talk about him in such a disrespectful way makes me sick. "Ashton unfollowed me, what an ass, i hate him he cant take any harsh comments" No shit he unfollowed you because you are treating him like a complete and udder shit person. Those 5sos boys have given up a lot for us and i know Ash always tries his best to make us happy. So if any of you "5sos fans" have a problem with ashton standing up for himself. i suggest you leave before i punch you. So this one is for you, Ashton, may you never have to deal with that kind of hate again. And may every twitter account with more than 10k followers realise they cant say whatever they want just because they are a big account. Grow up and have a nice palm sunday. see you tuesday babies.

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