Broken Bones

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dedicated and requested by claricepayne

we are with you every step of the way babe and you are going to kick cancer's ass

i hope this one shot makes you smile and its an honor to write this for you.

niall-  4 months old

liam- dada


It was a hot summer day, which called for a bbq and some swimming. The boys have all gathered at Liam's home, which was shared with Niall from time to time. Everyone in the band knew of NIall's ageplay kink and they thought he was udderly adorable. They loved being called uncles and mostly, loved seeing how at ease Niall was. He often got nervous over the crowds and the pressure to be everything they excpect. So seeing him relaxed and able to free his mind for just a while made them sure that this was something positive.

They were all having fun in the sun. Niall, being four months old in his headspace (we are going to pretend that he is learning to walk bc it fits with my story idk bout real babies sh)  had been 'learning to walk'. In his headspace, he completely forgot everything a normal adult man could do. Liam sat down on the concrete surrounding the inground pool. The other boys gathered at the same end as Niall. Niall was giggling and crawling around, having no idea what his silly uncles and daddy were doing. Liam had told them of the first time Niall took steps and they wanted to see for themselves. But im sure doing it by a slippery, water filled pool was not the best choice for these four.

"Okay Ni, you see dada, go to dada," Louis encouraged. Niall clapped his hands, holding his arms out, thinking his daddy will just come over and pick him up. "No little man, go walk to dada." Harry laughed and watched as Zayn gave him a little push in helping him stand up. Niall stood on wobbly legs, balancing himself out and letting out a whimper. "Don't cry buddy, you can do it" Zayn encouraged, watching him carefully. Niall took a slight step, swaying but stay upright. He took another, completely in getting, actually no where, but the boys still clapped. Niall giggled and clapped along, continuing his steps. But NIall began to go faster because he wanted more praises And no one saw the puddle, it blended in with the white tiling on the concrete they had. Niall was almost running, not a true run, but still quite fast. Fast enough for his foot to go over that puddle, slide out from under him, resulting in him face planted on the floor with an awkard bent arm.

Niall's sobs were horrific, loud and scary as he felt sudden pain spread through out his arm. He also noticed slight blood on his face and the ground, coming from his nose and mouth from hitting them on the floor. The boys ran over, the loud talking/yelling hurting everyones ears but they couldnt control it. They were all yelling out, demands, suggestions, who is driving, what had happened, who's fault it was. But they shut up when they heard Niall let out the sobbed word "dada". Liam picked him up carefully, grabbing a towel and putting it over his nose to stop the bleeding. He cradled the bent arm in a careful way, running to the car with the boys behind.

They arrived at the hosptial and Niall was taken to a room to get x-rayed. They told Liam it was broken in two places but it would heal nicely if they wrapped it in a cast. Niall was sat in his lap, getting a green cast covered over his arm. His face had cleaned up but he did have a tiny scar above his lip. Liam hugged him tightly, being careful of his arm. They all arrived back home, the boys apologising a millions times. Liam and Niall were curled up in bed, Niall's arm resting on a pillow. "Dada is so sorry baby, do you forgive me?" Niall nodded his head and kisses his daddies cheek, falling asleep, and if he wakes up from a nightmare about touring and his arm not being able to heal in time, well Liam is right there to soothe him.


i feel like NIall is the only one ever getting injured in my story oh well. IM GETTING MY THIRD PIERCING TODAY WOO my birthday was on the 28th so its like a late gift. ANYWAY HOPE YOU LKE THIS BAAEEBBUE

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