No Words, Just Love

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 dedicated to sandygirly2000

louis- will be in headspace of a newborn(around 4 months or so so not legit fetus)



zayn- papa


this is another sorta larry based, why because i fucking love larry and its more alive now than ever and no one ever requests for any nother ship so WEE LARRY


Niall and Harry, Liam and Zayn, that's all it ever was. No Louis. Nope, no one wanted to spend a day with Louis because "all he did was complain" as Zayn had said. Of course Louis knew they loved him, maybe, but really, not one cuddle had been offered since he started going to the pub every night. Not his fault he had to hide himself away from the ones he loved and had to pretend. Plus who was Niall to take away his boyfriend, sure he heard enough about Narry but that should just stay a bromance. Louis was feeling left out, alone. He just wanted kisses, hugs, and cuddles. And if he wanted it, boy was he gonna get it.

"Hey Lou, can you get Harry for me, i wanna see if he wants to watch a movie" Niall asked smiling. "Actually no Niall, you can get him yourself" Why didn't Niall ask him if he wanted to watch a movie. He felt bad at the frown on the young ones face, but Louis had been through enough. Later on that night, he heard all four boys in the living room, briefly hearing the words "club". He was furious. How come no one asked him to go out? What was wrong with him?

Louis stormed down the stairs, ignoring the smiles from Liam and Zayn, slapping away the outstreched hand from Harry. "What the fuck is wrong with you four, you guys never freaking do anything with me, ever! I am so sick of all of you, I might as well SPEND THE NIGHT WITH ELEANOR." Louis knew he went overboard with that statement the minute he saw Harry's face but focused more on how he was feeling. "Lou-" "No, do not Lou me, i am sick of tired of being left out for the past month, have fun tonight im sure you will, like always without me" Louis stormed away, silent tears leaving his once bright eyes. Sure he was overdramatizing the whole thing, but he was hurt, and the only way for them to see was yelling. He never heard a door slam, meaning they got the message to stay home. He did hear the sobs of his boyfriend, breaking his heart, but truly you can't break something so broken already.

Weeks passed and the tantrums got worse, he even added foot stomping. They were done with it, they looked up all the things to do and decided on age play. They researched enough to know that this would give Louis the attention he needed and not be so stressed out. They quickly got all the adult sized baby things they needed and rushed into Lou's room. "What the hel-hey!" Louis began to speak but was stopped when tackled to the bed. Looking down, he saw Niall holding his legs open, Zayn with a diaper in his hand, Liam with a pacifer, and Harry near his head, tears in his eyes and holding his arms down. He began to shout and kick, not wanting that diaper anywhere near him, He knew of age play but he never though this was what it would come to. "Louis we are so sorry for ignoring you, but the tantrums were not right, you will be a newborn and you will listen to us" Zayn said sternly. Louis was too tired to put up a fight.

Once dressed, the other boys left Louis and Harry to be by themselves. Louis was cradled against Harry, his head in the crook of his neck. Harry was still crying, upset about his actions. Louis wanted to make Harry happy so he kissed his cheek and mumbled out a small "daddy". Harry smiled and kissed his baby's head. "No worries baby, you'll enjoy this, i promise and i love you so much" "Me love daddy.

2 weeks later

Everything had been going amazing. Louis loved being an infant and have his daddies carry him everywhere. Zayn was rocking the small boy on his hip, when Harry walked into the room. "Daddy, papa me daddy" Zayn smiled at the small vocabulary he had and handed him off to Harry. Harry set him in his lap, giving him a bottle and watching his little boy get sleepy. He felt the warmth rush through the diaper and handed the crying boy off to Liam. Liam carried him upstairs and laid him on the changing table. "Hey none of that crying Lou, dada will fix it okay? Louis just stared at him and gurgled, clapping along to his words, the tears forgotten. Liam wiped him clean and replaced the dirty diaper with a new blue one, putting him in a monkey onsie. "Lets go show daddy how cute you look" "Daddy!" Louis squealed and Liam laughed, knowing the love the boy had for him. Liam came back and put Louis down, guiding him to walk, with the help of Liam holding onto Louis' hands and Niall occasionally moving Louis' legs for him. "Theres my little man, oh wait thats not my Loubear, thats a silly monkey!" Harry said, grabbing his baby and ticking him. Louis laughed non stop, "Daddy me." :Harry smiled and cradled his little boy. The other three cuddled into each other, smiling in adortion of the small kissing sounds they heard from Harry and Louis, leaving small kisses all over each others faces. They hated the circumtances that brought them to this, but they knew it was for the best and they will never forget their little Lou, and if they did, they would never hear the end of it from Harry.


posting cause last day of sprang break so enjoy. THIS WAS MY LAST SAVED IDEA SO PLEASE GUYS SEND MORE REQUESTS PLEASE IM BEGGING. I really need feedback as well because i've been losing readers. I love you guys so much, hope this is what you wanted and hoped you really loved it. Also send me some of your fave ships so i can have one shots for them as well.

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