A Story To Tell

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louis- nine months






They told Louis not to go outside, they told him mulitple times. But Louis being the rebel child, even in his headspace, didnt listen to his daddies. He had crawled right out that front door only to be met with blinding lights, and loud yells trying to get his attention. Some let out shocked gasps because world famous boyband memeber Louis Tomlinson was in a diaper and sucking on a paci. Louis sat down and began to tremble, these men were scary and looked like monsters to him. "daddy, dada, papa, baba, no screams too loud help wouie" Louis began to scream. Harry came running out, pushing the paps away from his little baby and picking him up, rocking him and hiding his face from the bright lights. "Get the fuck out of here, you got what you want, you're scaring him" Harry growled at these so called men.

Harry brought Louis inside, only to be met with his other boyfriends. He explained to them what happened and Niall ran off the grab his phone to get any websites that could leak the photos. He saw some of them up, even though it legit just happened. "I guess we gotta tell the fans now" Zayn sighed. Liam picked up his phone and called management, of course getting into an argument because those bastards are very unreasonable. Harry stilled had a sobbing Louis in his arms, tyring to get him to calm down. "Daddy mad at Wouis?" "No baby daddy isnt mad at you, he's mad that those people were outside." Louis layed his head down and silently cried himself to sleep.

They had a press conference tomorrow, deciding it was better to get it out into the open for people to see the truth instead of the press making rumors. They got everything they needed set up and went to bed, truly not ready for the response they were going to get tomorrow.

The next morining, everyone was tense. Louis had trouble getting back into his headspace but Liam had convinced him that it was okay. They got him changed into a onsie with their faces on it, a paci in his mouth, and strapped him into his adult sized carrier. They all piled into the van, trying not to focus on how bad this could actually go.

When they got in, everyone was silent which was odd. But the sight of Louis made the crowd of fans aw in adoration. Louis clapped his hands and gurgled around his paci, whimpering for his papa to pick him up. They all sat down, Louis in Niall's lap, playing with the microphone. "As you all saw, Louis here is in baby clothes and acting like a baby. We started this a while back but kept it secret because we didnt want anything negative coming towards Louis' way. We treat him like a baby to take away stress and we hope you accept it and still love us"

The crowd was weirdly silent, until everyone stood up and clapped, cheered even, and people raising their hands to ask them questions. Louis squealed at the sounds and banged his fist on the table, causing everyone to coo and laugh. Zayn called on a young girl and she spoke "I was wondering if i could give Louis this toy?" Liam nodded and she came up, handing the toy to him. "What do you say Loubear" "Tank woo" Louis yelled out and everyone laughed more. He squirmed away from Niall, crawling over to Harry and screaming out "Daddy yups" causing everyone to squeal at the mispronunciation. Harry picked him up and everyone continued answering questions, even taking pictures. Everyone had a positive attitude towards the idea an the boys couldnt be more grateful.

They arrived back home, a tired Louis in Liams arms. Zayn and him brought their baby upstairs to lay down in their big bed. Niall made him a bottle and Harry got his pjs. Once he was fed and changed, they all laid down, cuddled up to their boy.

"We love you so much baby and so does the world" Liam said. Louis rolled over onto his stomach, cuddled against Zayn. "Me love world too" laying his head down. But it shot right back up, a big smile covering his face "and daddies, love tem too" making everyone laugh. They were glad they could finally show the world their pride and joy

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