No More Bottle

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requested by:raphi11




It was your average monday morning, average being a worldwide famous boyband. Harry walked in the nursery they had, turning on the lights to see his boyfriend/baby louis. Louis gurgled around his paci, holding his arms out for harry to pick him up. Harry went over and changed him quickly, bringing him downstairs for breakfast.

Louis was on this weird trend of not wanting a bottle. The normally just changed it from milk to juice to get hime to drink something, but it wasnt healthy for him. Harry placed Louis down in Niall's arms, recieving a pout from the little one. "Louis you are going to drink from the bottle today, okay mister" Louis sat up and began to kick around, screaming loud repeats of 'no'

Niall sighed and brought him to the couch, laying him down and turning ont he tv to distract him. He called the others into the kitchen for a family meeting. "Louis will not drink milk from his bottle, I dont know what to do guys." Niall explained. Zayn spoke up, saying how maybe if they used a different appraoch, a younger approach, then he will like it. They quickly searched up an idea and the only crazy one was yes, breastfeeding. They had to breastfeed Louis. Since he was in a tiny headspace, he wanted what all others baby want, a real nipple instead of a plastic. They quickly argued over who would do the honors of getting this lovely feeling and they chose Harry, since they are boyfriends.

Liam went out and bought the pills, coming back home and giving them to Harry. Harry took a nap for an hour, a side effect of the pills and also to pass the time for them to work. Niall woke him up around dinner time and lead him downstairs, where Louis awaited his dinner.

Harry sat down on the rocking chair they had in the corner, taking of his shirt and reddening in embarrasment. He wasnt a woman, he should have to get his nipple pulled on quite creepily, but for his baby he would. Liam brought over Louis, who looked restless and quite eager. Harry cradled him in his arms, his head in the crook of his arms. Louis looked up at him, confusion written on his face, but he clapped and gugeled along. The other boys kissed both their heads and they proceed upstairs to give them the space they needed and to make it easier on Harry.

Harry guided Louis' head towards his chest and Louis got the hint. He attached himself and began sucking away, cloing his eyes in the comfort he recieved from the milk. Harry smiled down fondly, feeling like this could make their bond even stronger, if that was possible. He stroked Louis' face, watching as the little man sucked away, slowling drifting off to sleep. Louis pulled off and sleepily looked up at Harry. "Tanks daddy, me love you." Harry smiled and said those three words back, rocking him to sleep and let him suck away.

It continued on for quite some itme. Louis and Harry enjoyed the bond it gave them and Harry loved spending some relaxing time with his baby. It also made Louis get over his infatuation with his paci. Louis was sitting his Harry's lap, facing him and straddling his legs. His head was placed on Harry's chest, sucking away to get some drink into his stomach. The others walked in, smiled down at them and put a movie on, cuddling up to their boyfriends and baby. Harry put a blanket over his chest and Louis' face, covinering him from the brightness of the tv. When he went down to check, Louis was out like a light. Harry smiled and brought him upstairs, burping him lightly and changing him into a onsie. Louis woke up, still dazed but hugged his daddy tight. "Tank you daddy for doin that for Lou." Harry laughed slightly as his speech but kissed his forehead, telling him it was no problem and as long as Louis was happy and loved him, he would do anything. He sat back in the rocking chair in the nursey and held his boy, falling asleep to the sounds of the even breathing his baby gave off. Sure it was weird at fist, but overtime he grew to love it, just because Louis loved it.


I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS PROMPT IDK I LOVE THE IDEA. if you are not a fan of this idea, please do not hate because some enjoy it. Going to upload another one today, and give the rest of the oneshots i promised someitme this week. MY BDAY IS ON SATURDAY YAY. hope you guys enjoy this LETS GET IT OVER 10 VOTES

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