Flower Crowns And Silly Smiles

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larry based WOO and little harry and daddy louis have a picnic 



(i suggest listening to song on side because its so calming and fits with the spring mood.

I AM IN A FREAKING MTV ARTICLE FOR ASHTON AND LAUREN OHMYGOD http://www.mtv.com/news/1818626/5-seconds-of-summer-pretty-much-took-over-the-internet-this-morning/


Watching his little boy running around, Louis Tomlinson laughed brightly, awe written all over his face. He adopted Harry about three years ago, when Harry was just one, Now Harry is four years old, incredibly cute and clingy to his daddy. Louis doesn't mind though, he loves harry with his whole heart and couldn't ask for a cuter, more perfect son. He watched his son closely as he climbed up the playground, soon getting lost in his thoughts of memories with his boy.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the loud wailing from his baby boy. Louis ran over to Harry, seeing him at the top of the small slide, which appeared huge to Harry. "Daddy i scared, too high" "No its not buddy, you can do it" Harry shook his head no, tears still streaming down his face because he just wanted his daddy. "How bout daddy waits right here to catch you, i'll be right here sweetpea" Harry nodded, slowly pushing himself off the side and down the slide. Louis caught him and brought him into a huge hug, holding him close. Harry was gripping tight onto him, whimpering 'daddy' over and over. "See baby, daddy's got you"

Louis walked them over to the small picnic blanket he had set our eariler. He didn't get much time alone with his son, so he thought today would be a perfect harryandlouis day. He sat Harry down, only to have him crawl onto his lap not even 5 seconds later. "Haz, how bout you go pick out some pretty flowers for daddy, and he will make you something?" Harry giggled in agreement, quickly getting up and stumbling along on his stubby legs, picking out daisy's and other kinds of flowers around the field. He waddled back to his daddy, showing them to him proudly. Louis kissed his forehead before pulling him down back onto his lap. Harry watched his daddy skillfully weave the flowers together, making different patterns. Harry laid down in his lap, smiling and giggling at the funny faces louis pulled.

Louis placed the flower crown on his boy's head, smiling at the squealing and clapping baby below him. "Daddy daddy, me look pretty?" "yeah you do haz, my pretty little boy". Harry smiled and cuddled into louis, as he began to rock him back and forth. Harry's eyes began to close but he quickly shot them open and sat up quickly. Louis looked at him confusingly, but harry smiled and kissed his daddy's cheek, "love you daddy, tank you" Louis smiled, almost tears in his eyes because he loved his boy so much. "Daddy loves you too baby boy, daddy loves you too" Harry smiled and pushed Louis back, laying on his chest and quickly closing his eyes, flower crown not to be touched. Louis smiled and wrapped his arms protectively around him. No matter what happens, what fears, what challenges they face, they know they can do it together.


HI GUYS hope you enjoy this and sorry i havent updated been super busy. Anyway, Ashton's little sister Lauren favorited my tweet today and i just wanna say that don't listen to the bullies Lauren, you are an amazing young girl who is gonna grow up to be amazing, just like her big brother. #LaurenIsBeautiful. Anyway, i dont think im going to be writing my larry rant because one read yikes. i will see you guys as soon as i can update, love you more than words can describe. and the song on the side is "We Were Born For This" by my baby justin and i truly think you guys will love it.

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