Locked In

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Harry- 4 headspace

Louis- daddy

Zayn- 5 headspace (he's only mentioned once in a while so)

getting locked in a room actually happened to me so i thought it would be fun


Waking up at the bright start of 6 am, Harry wasn't in such a good mood. The boys have been home since the tour had ended just a few days ago. It allowed Harry and Zayn to go back to their age play ways. And since Harry and Louis were together and Zayn was Louis' best friend, he took on the role of daddy. The other boys would come along from time to time to take care of the 'little ones' but today was just a Louis and his babies day. Which seems to have taken a toll for the worst.

Zayn and Harry were playing in the living room, actually getting along. But it was too quiet in Louis opinion. Zayn was playing with blocks and cars, pretending to build a city. He had his own special blanket draped across to make it look like nighttime, but he needed Harry's. He had tried asking him but he just kept ignoring him. So Zayn marched over and ripped the blanket out from under his 'brother. Harry began to scream at Zayn, marching over and knocking down his buildings. Zayn began sobbing and pounding onto the floor, messing and wetting his diaper in the process. Louis came barling in. "What happened in here boys?" "Hawry wouldnt give blanket so i took it and he knocked down my town" Louis sighed and picked up Zayn, cuddling him close. "Harry Edward, you know you cant do that, thats mean" Harry began to make noises of protest but Louis shushed him, taking his hand while carrying Zayn and bringing them both to the kitchen for lunch.

Harry huffed and tried getting in his high chair by himself since Louis was helping Zayn get into his.. Louis sighed and placed Harry in his. He gave Zayn the yummy bananas but gave Harry the gross carrots. "No daddy, no want these". Harry then proceeded to knock the bowl of carrots of his tray, hitting Zayn's shin in the process of falling. Zayn began sobbing and clutching his leg, even though it barely hit him. He was still mad at Harry for before, so he wanted to see him get in trouble. "Harry Styles, I do not know whats going on with you today, but you are going in your room for timeout" Louis picked up Zayn and took Harry's hand, dragging the fighting boy upstairs.

He lightly pushed Harry into his room, explaining he would back in fifteen minutes. Louis turned around to close the door behind him. showing Harry a smiling Zayn. Louis closed the door and Harry spent a good two minutes staring at the door in total shock. He was daddy;s baby, not Zayn, why did daddy have to treat him so bad. Harry stomped up the door and twisted the lock, locking the door. "Daddy not allowed back in, Harry no wanna see daddy" Harry crawled over to his crib, lifting himself up and laying down, sobs taking over his body. The crying and having woken up too early, Harry was fast asleep in his crib.

Fifteen minutes later, Louis came back smiling, ready to get his baby boy. He missed little Harry while he was in timeout. Louis went up to the door with Zayn trailing behind him holding his hand. He twisted the knob, only to find it wouldnt open. He quickly began turning it, letting go of Zayn's hand to use both hands to twist the knob. He began banging on the door, calling Harry's name. But nothing, he didnt hear his baby giggling or the soft padding of his feet to get to the door. Inside, Harry was fast asleep, his alarm clock had started to play music so Harry could barely hear the banging and his name being called. Outside the door, Louis began crying along with Zayn, thinking the worst. What if Harry got out the open window, what if Harry was stuck in his crib, what if someone took his baby. He began screaming and Zayn helped banging on the door, crying Harry's name over and over.

Harry jerked awake, rubbing his eyes and looking around. He then looked at the door, hearing the screams and the bangs. He quickly got up, listening to the shouts of his daddy. He was nervous Louis would be angry at him even more now, so Harry began sobbing. He went over and unlocked the door, opening it up. He was met with arms wrapped tightly around his body, being lifted up into his daddys arms. "Oh baby boy I was so worried about you, please dont ever lock your door again" Harry put his head down on Louis' shoulder, continuing to cry. Louis guided Zayn to his room, placing him in his crib, closing it and leaving the door wide open. 

Louis walked to his room with a sniffling Harry in his arms, He sat down on his bed, Harry in his lap, his head still snuggled into his neck. "Baby boy, what was going on with you today' "Daddy, I tired and Zaynie took my blankie no asking and you only love Z" Louis stopped, trying to understand his words, then sighed. "Im so sorry baby, i should have asked you what happened and no sweetheart i love you, i love you both so much. I was so worried something happened to you" Harry shook his head and gave Louis a kiss. "Me good daddy see no hurt" Harry said cheerfully, giving louis a huge smile. Louis laughed and hugged Harry fondly, relieved because he was safe. "No more locked doors and no more being mean to my Hazzy" Harry nodded along before nodding off to the sound of Louis repeating he loved him over and over.


First I wanna thank you guys so much for making this book huge, i never imagined it to be so big, i search it up and its on the first page and it just warms my heart. Second, i had orientation on wednesday and it was so stupid, sophmore year will be the worst. But I got home after that and Andy, Liam's friend, was doing a follow spree bc he wanted rt's so i retweeted and he followed me LOL. Then this huge acc gave me a shoutout and i got 13k WOO. My mom said i could go to wwa miami bc she wants to go back but we cant and im so sad. Also Happy Birthday Liam Payne, you cute lil shit. I was going to make a birthday one shot for him but idk if i should so let me know if you want it next. Tomorrow is one year till 5sos WOO lol, i hoped you liked this i thought it was original since i did lock myself in my room once and that was basically my mom and brothers reaction lol BYEEE LOVE YOU

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