Bad For Your Teeth

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requested by beatenandthedamned




Paci.. That's all Liam has heard since Niall had started this age play routine. Niall always needed comfort, and when his daddy wasnt enough, that cursed pacifier was. It wasn't doing him any good besides ruining his teeth. And Niall was going to find that out the hard way.

"Daddy, me want you" Liam heard from the baby moniter. Liam walked into the room, lifting up his baby and bringing him over to the changing table. He laid Niall down and began taking off his pants, stopped by the small whimpers coming from his baby boy. "Daddy, paci" Liam sighed, but not wanting a meltdown first thing in the morning, he stuck the blue paci in his baby's mouth. He watched as the plastic bounced up and down as the young boy sucked onto it, closing his eyes from the comfort it brought him.

Niall could see the change in his teeth when he was a big boy. But considering that wasnt often, he never really made a change of his habit. Liam had called the dentist and today was the day Niall had to go get braces, which he didnt fully remember.

Liam carried Niall downstairs, taking the paci from him and secretly throwing it in the garbage. He packed another one in the diaper bag just in case it got too much to handle. "Hey baby boy, you have to go see the dentist today, can you be a good boy for daddy?" Niall's lip began to tremble, shaking his head no at the word dentist, and holding his hands out. Liam picked him up, rocking the younger one so the tears wouldnt start to flow. Niall pointed to his lips but Liam shook his head, which started niagra falls.

Liam sighed and carried NIall to the car, buckling the sobbing boy into his car seat before getting himself into the drivers seat. He turned on the baby music for Niall, hearing his sobs die down in the back of the car. They arrived at the dentist and Niall was practially shaking. "Hey buddy, its okay daddy's gonna be there." "Paci too?" Liam shook his head and lifted Niall up, cuddling him up before any drama could happen out here in the public. He walked into the building, taking the elevator to the floor where the band had their own private dentist. He knew of their age play and didnt mind it as much, which made him the perfect person to fix Niall's teeth.

He welcomed them with open arms, and Niall was sat in  the chair, a monkey bib placed over his chest. "Alright Niall, it seems to me that you have been using your pacifier too much." Niall nodded, too afraid to open his mouth the let the dentist see. "You're going to have to get braces, little man." The dentist began to lean over NIall, putting his hands lightly on his face to open his mouth, Liam squeezing Niall;s hand next to him. But Niall didnt want the braces, he didnt wanna be made fun of by the others, the fans. So he did the only logical thing a baby could think of. He thew a giant tantrum.

"No! No braces, me hate you!" Niall began kicking and squirming, fighting against the hold the dentist had on him. Liam jumped up and carefully pushed the man aside. picking NIall up and sitting down in the chair, Niall in his lap. But that didnt stop him. He kept screaming, screaming as loud as the fans screamed whenever he grabbed his crotch during Better Than Words. The dentist left to give them some time alone.

"Niall Horan, you are going to stop moving around or i will spank you right here." Niall shut up quickly and laid his head on his daddies chest, whimpering "no spanks, me good now." Liam turned Niall so he was facing him and coo'ed at his red, tear stained face. "I know you dont wanna buddy, but its gonna fix your teeth. You want em to be nice and straight right?" NIall nodded and wrapped his arms around Liam. "So we're going to go home and you're gonna have a nice nap, then timeout for 5 minutes because you were bad. But we are going to come back and you are going to get braces." Niall nodded sadly and said he was sorry to the dentist when he walked back in.

The dentist agreed to the plan and wrote down their next appointment which was three weeks away. They went back home and Liam did everything he had said, even offering huge amounts of cuddles. The paci's were thrown all away, even the ones Zayn tries to give him even after Liam said no, and Liam made sure Niall was a big boy before stepping foot into that place again. He may want to fix Niall's teeth, but no one scares his little baby, ever.


AW YAY IM BACK. I hope this is what you wanted and thank you so much for requesting this. I hope you guys like this idea and i will be doing this again when i reach 500+ votes. I love you guys so much and I missed you all like cray, florida was fun but not as fun as being with my lovely ladies (and gents) aka youu all.

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