Don't Be Afraid

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Zayn-headspace of 2




harry- headspace of 5

one direction does not exsist in this (that legit sounds awful ew thank god they do)\

ps i have no clue why my stories wont go in order and i know it gets confusing 


Cold, wet, alone. Words that very much fit how young Zayn Malik is feeling right now. Zayn is a 21 year old(i actually have no clue how old he is bc not a directioner woops) who is somewhat normal, besides the point of doing ageplay. Zayn lived with his mom and dad and three(?) younger siblings. But as they grew up, Zayn missed all the attention he had gotten and his mother wanted someone to baby, so here he is, in the headspace of a 2 year old. His father though, saw this as a stupid thing to do, because he wanted a grown son, not some overgrown child. So he did what he thought was best: kicking little Zayn out of the house.

So that's how he ended up here, in a dark place with a huge rash, dirty clothes, and piles of mud so stuck on it would take ten baths just to see an inch of skin. He didn't understand why his dad never came back like he promised, but after crying for days straight, he kinda just went numb and tried not to understand anything really.

On the other side, Louis, Liam, and Niall all had their own ageplay household going on. They all loved eachother and decided their youngest love needed extra attention so baby harry sneaked its way in. And baby harry was needy. So needy that his daddy Liam had to go out and get his "son" the ice cream he wanted. Walking along the alley way, he heard a short whimper and the shuffling across the brick. Liam stopped listening to any signs, and was met with a tiny sneeze and yet another whimper.

"Hello? Is someone there" Liam gently called out. "Dada?" was only the reply that came. Who knew a one worded answer could break a grown man's heart. Liam looked around and was met with the adult sized boy wearing a diaper and covered in dirt and sweat. "Hey buddy, what are you doing out here?" Liam asked. The young one only made another whimper and tried to crawl away. "Hey no bud, its alright, im not going to hurt you okay?" Zayn nodded and streched his arms up, wanting nothing but comfort from the stranger. 

Liam quickly brought the little one back to the house, opening the door and carrying him upstairs, ignoring the shocked and confused looks he got from his boyfriends. He removed the young one's clothing, starting to take off his diaper when he was stopped by two small hands. "No hit Zayn, Zayn good" Liam was stunned by his saying but quickly shook his head, promising the boy that he wouldn't lay a hand on his behind. He placed Zayn gently in the tub and watched as he splashed his face in the water. He could feel the eyes of his family watching him, but he had one concern right now. The bruises litering this poor kid was heart breaking, the thought of ever seeing his Harry like that could almost make him faint.

After the bath, he changed Zayn and brought him downstairs. They whole family looked up, one annoyed, one shocked and one little boy who looked sad yet happy. "Uh guys this is Zayn, i uh found him outside" The annoyed face soon dropped and was replaced with a soft expression. "Hi buddy" Louis spoke, "wanna tell us what happened and how Zayn got boo-boo's?" Zayn grabbed Liam's hand and hid behind him, but was brought back with a gentle push. "Dada no like baby Zayn, so dada leave baby Zayn" They quickly understood and took Zayn in with open arms.

They always wanted a second child and meeting Zayn was kinda like fate, even if it was horrible circumtances for young Zayn. They settled him in on the couch, giving him cuddles and kisses to help him forget his fears. He would sometimes wince, but they made sure to assure him that no more bad and scary things would happen. Louis felt a small tug on his pants, looking down and seeing his baby by his feet. He picked him up and pointed to Zayn "look baby, a little brother" Zayn and Harry both excalimed "brother?!" They boys nodded and Harry crawled over to Zayn. He looked confused at the black and blues, "why he colorful daddy" "those are boo-boo's baby, like the one you got from silly uncle Ashton" Harry giggled and leaned down, kissing the bruise on Zayn's cheek. "Daddies give kisses for owies, so i give you kisses"  Niall quickly made Zayn a bottle and a sippy cup for Harry, cuddling their boys and putting good memories into Zayn's little head. They all smiled at their two little ones, sure it would take time for Zayn to adjusted and not whimper or wince with some slight movement, but they knew they could do it, because from the start they could tell Zayn would be an amazing additon, and Harry loved him, so that's all that matters.


you're all that matters to me. lol that last line made me think of that but anyway another shitty one down, sorry for not updating yesterday I was in NYC the whole day. And sadly not today to see 5sos which im heartbroken about. But today is one week since luke and two since 5sos followed me, so it makes up for it. If any of my readers are going, have an AMAZING time, take tons of pictures, faint, wake up, sneak in to meet them, get arrested, i'll bail you out. LOL jk bye guys i love you all.

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