Daddy And Baby Day

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Louis-newborn headspace (were gonna pretend new borns can say some words k)


lol its funny cause liam is actually daddy bye



Beep Beep Beep.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy"

Loud annoying beeps came filtering out of the speakers on Liam's phone, while loud adorable squeals came out the speakers of the baby moniter. Liam looked over at the clock near his bed, grinning when he saw it was 8:30am, the normal time his baby woke up on their free days. Today was going to be a daddy and baby day, hanging out at home so Louis could be in his headspace all day and not worry about having to weave in and out of it.

Getting up in only sweatpants and no shirt, Liam strolled over to his awaiting chanting Louis who was sat up in his crib. His hair was a wild mess, standing up in all directions. All he was wearing was his nappy and one of his daddy's huge shirts. Louis was gripping the sides of the cirb, bouncing on his knees, in a super good mood even though his nappy was wet. "Good morning my baby, you sleep good" Louis clapped along to whatever his daddy was saying, not really understanding what he was saying since his headspace made him very young. Liam picked him up, using his strength to hold him high over his head, leaning Louis face down to plant kisses all over. Louis began to laugh loudly, shaking his head, trying to get away. "Come on handsome, lets get you changed" Louis babbled on, making Liam laugh. He laid him down on the mat, taking off his diaper and cleaning him up. "No daddy" Louis protested, lips starting to form a pout. "Hey no sad faces pup, smile for daddy" Liam began to tickle Louis' sides, making him laugh out and try to grab his daddy's hands. Liam smiled and pecked his forehead, placing his 'I <3 Harry' (you so knew i was going to involve him) pacifer in his mouth. He kept him in just his diaper and carried Louis downstairs.

Placing Louis is in his high chair, Liam began to mash up banana's. "Is my baby ready for some yummies" Louis began to pound his hands on the tray, kicking his legs and squaling at the sight of the food. "You are really becoming just like your uncle harry arent you" This just made Louis' hands start to beat faster because we all know he loves his uncle Harry. Liam sat down in front of Louis, guiding the spoon of banana into his mouth like an airplance. Louis wanted to do the same to Liam, which caused both of them to have messes all over their faces and hands. Liam wiped Louis' face down, causing whimpers to leave his mouth. "hey daddy said no said louis, give daddy a kiss" Louis instantly smiled and innocently pecked Liam's lips. Liam picked him up and 'flew' him like an airplane into the living room.

They had to have been sitting there for hours, playing with cars, blocks, coloring books, makeup that Gemma had left over their house since their last visit. Louis was laying on the floor on his stomach. spongebob playing on the tv. He had a one direction blanket and pillow, sucking on his thumb. Liam walked over, shaking the warm bottle of milk in his hand. He picked Louis up, removing his thumb from his mouth and placing the tip of the bottle in before he could start to cry. He rocked Louis back and forth in his arms, tipping the bottle up for more milk to go down. Louis reached his hand up, touching along his daddy's face and stubble, giggling slightly from behind the bottle tip. Liam smiled and kissed his forehead. Once the bottle was empty, the gave the tired looking baby a kiss and brought him upstairs.

Liam laid him on the floor, removing his dirty diaper and starting a bath. He quickly rid and cleaned him of the diaper, placing him in the warm water. Louis was practically falling asleep, his head rolling down everytime Liam moved it around trying to get the shampoo in. After 5 minutes, Louis began to cry from exhaustion. They had such a fun day and he was so tired, he just wanted out. "Daddy sleep pwease. Louis cried out, making grabby hands. Liam aw'd at him, picking him up and wrapping him in a turtle towel. CHanging him into a onesie and a diaper. Liam set him down in his crib. Then the house phone began to rang, Liam went over and saw it was Harry, who called two times a week to talk to Louis even though he couldnt talk back. "Babe, Uncle Harry's on the phone" This caused Louis to perk up slightly, taking the phone and sighing into it. Liam left the room to go grab Louis' pacifer, returning 2 mintues later to a sleeping baby hugging the phone and the sound of Harry singing softly being produced out of it. Liam picked up the phone, saying bye to Harry and sliding the paci through Louis open lips. He lent down to the curled up boy and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek. Liam walked into his room, laying down and going to sleep, resting up to be awoken by the sounds of his baby boy for another fun filled day.


i hope this makes up for how shitty i am and how many author notes i write. hope you enjoyed this change from just larry and i appreciate the request. Love you all and once again me on the side since i deleted the last note. love youu

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