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harry- 2 headspace

louis- 4 headspace



It was a hot summer day in New York City and the boys of One Direction were there for their tour. They had the day off, which meant they could roam around and try to act like normal boys instead of the well loved pop stars. This meant that Louis and Harry could go back to their age play. They had began age play a year ago and they loved it, Niall being their daddy because he was closest to the two. Liam and Zayn were either out or sleeping, so it was just an ageplay day. They were staying in the small house of one of the crew workers so they could have their own privacy. 

The three were currently outside, enjoying the American sun. NIall was cooking some Amercian food for his little boys. He watched as Louis and Harry were dressed in only diapers, pacifiers hanging in their mouths, running their toy trucks around a fake track they made up in their minds. They were sitting quite close to the pool, but since they were too preoccupied with their toys, NIall seemed it safe. "Boys, daddy is going in the kitchen real quick, i can still see you from the window so do not move okay" They both stopped playing and nodded their heads, quickly going back. Niall smiled and opened the screen door, walking inside to grab Harry's high chair.

Meanwhile outside, Harry had gotten bored of his stupid red car and he wanted the garbage truck Louis had. "Lou give Hawry truck" Louis shook his head, pushing Harry's hand away. "No Haz mine" Harry started to whine and tried grabbing the truck from Louis' grip.  They were both on their knees now, trying to get the truck they both wanted, moving closer tot he edge. Louis had goten very angry at this point, placing his hands on Harry's chest, pushing him harder than he intended to. Harry began to fall back into the pool, Louis trying to hold onto his arm but it was too quick. Harry fell back hard into the pool, which he could not swim in. Harry began splashing around, screams muffled by the water getting into his mouth. "daddy, daddy hurry daddy" Louis began to scream bloody murder. Niall ran out, seeing the commotion and dived in to save Harry. He pulled him out of the water and leaned over him, pressing on his chest, to be met with coughs and some water spilling out of his baby's mouth.

Harry began to cry horrible sobs, screams emitting from his mouth. Louis was the same, trying to say he was sorry over and over. Niall gripped into Harry, rocking him back and forth. He brought Louis into his lap. "Louis what the fu-what happened" Niall questioned, panic clear in his voice. "I pushed Hazzy by accident, I sorry daddy i no mean to" Liam and Zayn walked into the backyard at that point and Niall told them to take Louis inside and have him sit in timeout for thirty minutes. Niall walked inside, Harry's loud terrified screams blasting through the house.

Thirty minutes later, Harry was asleep in his crib, Niall and Louis sitting on the couch. Louis had explained what happened and NIall forgave him, seeing as it was truly an accident for Harry to be pushed into the water. "You gotta apologize to Harry, you know that right baby" Louis nodded, grabbing his daddy's hand and going upstairs. They got to Harry's room, NIall putting down the side of the crib, watching Louis climb in. Harry woke up and whimpered at the sight of Louis. Lou layed down next to him and cried, hugging his 'brother'. "Hazzabear, I so sorry, I no mean to push you and you get hurt, please forgive Louis, dont hate Louis" Louis began to sob harder, afraid his beloved best friend/boyfriend/brother would never love him again. Harry sloppily kissed Louis' forehead. "No mad at Loubear, me forgive you, love you aways(always)" Louis cheered in happiness and Niall laughed along with them. He brought them downstairs for dinner, them sitting practically on top of each other.

After dinner and after they were cleaned up, Niall put on Tom and Jerry for them to watch. When he came back ten minutes later. he saw Louis reading a story to Harry, who was half asleep in his lap. Louis was leaving small kisses on his forehead and put the book away. He looked up and smiled at his daddy. "Daddy, Harry is sleeping." Niall laughed and nodded, picking up both his babies, laying them down on his bed upstairs, watching as they cuddled and told each other they loved each other. NIall smiled, sure today was hard and scary, but they always had each other.


I actually liked this. WOO LEMME KNOW IF YOU DID. I love you guys so much. Btw here is a picture i took of Louis on the 5th. I was in section 15 row 18 and i was legit so close to them. Please do not save the picture and re-post it. If you do, give me credit on twitter (basickidrauhls) or tumblr (royalcliffxrds) thank you ISNT HE JUST THE CUTEST, MY(HARRY'S)BABY  LOL BYEEE

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