Secrets Are No Fun

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Boys found out liam likes age play and wets bed

Liam- two year old




Niall- Dee


"Are you positivley sure you don't wanna come out with us tonight Li?"

Zayn had been begging Liam to come out to the club with them but every question got shot down with a stern "no"

"No Zayn, I'm not feeling well and being in a crowded, dirty club sure isn't going to help."

Well Liam wasn't lying. But he wasn't sick, he just rather be at home, in his headspace. See, Liam Payne, famous memeber of One Direction, was involved in age play. He liked to sit at home in his nappies and binky, drinking warm milk from a bottle and sleeping the day away. But the boys couldnt know, no way, no how. They would most likely laugh, and then proceed to kick him out of the band and forever make fun of his ways. He waved happily as the boys walked out the door, but not before a little Niall asked with wide eyes, "you really sure LiLi, it won't be the same without you?" Liam smiled, shook his head, and closed to the door.

Liam has never ran so fast in his life, up the stairs to his much needed supplies. He quickly taped on the nappie, grabbed his binky and sat in his bed. Liam was so involved in his headspace, he didn't hear the sounds of Harry's and Louis' laughter.

"I cannot believe you made me come back home with you to change your shirt, its only a little spill Haz, dont fret about it" 

"Heeeyy, Lou you know its gonna be sticky and bother me all night, now shut your trap and wait for me" 

Harry ran up the stairs, headed for his room. But he decided to check up on Liam since he said he has been ill. Harry ran into the room, ready to give Liam a tackle hug but stopped in his tracks at the sight of a clothless Liam, only in a nappie and staring at Harry with big, wet eyes. Liam began to sob and Louis ran up, just as shocked as Harry.

They called the boys and they all came in worried about their little Li, really. Zayn sat on the bed and held Liam in his arms, stopping the sobs and brushing away the left over tears.

"Why didn't you tell us Liam, we wouldn't have judged you" Zayn asked

"You guys would have kicked me out of the band and I-" Liam stopped and began to sob again.

Niall sighed and grabbed his hands, "You know we would never, we love you too much. How bout we take care of you Li?"

The boys all nodded and held Liam close as he smiled up at the boys. "Really, you guys would do that for me?"

They all nodded and smiled at their baby boy. Liam, back into his headspace because h e truly missed being there, giggled and babbled on about random baby things. The boys all laughed, catching Liam's attention. He poked Zayn's and whispered "Daddy" The boys all aww'd and tried to get Liam's attention, wanting to be called something by him. Liam pointed at each one saying things like "Dada, papa, dee" and pointing to who they were. They all squealed in happiness, dressed their little man in a one direction onesie, and brought their boy down to have some food and cuddles. 

All the boys were really glad Niall had been clumsy and spilt his drink all over Harry, because it gave them the happiness that is little baby boy Payne.


This is bad and I am sad. Well i hope you guys like it because i tried my best. 

My "friend" has been so braggy and rude lately and all she talks about is hookups and getting drunk and going to parties i was not invited to. It's gotten so bad lately and i need your guys advide on what to do. Girls are so ew i just hate girls.

Anyway, please send me more prompts so i can make all of you happy because i love you all so much AND OVER 300 READS like what i thought i would only get like negative two. and three votes what,l you guys actually like me, no one likes me.

So yeah, also follow my twitter basickidrauhls(yes it is a justin bieber fan account but i do talk about 5sos and one direction)

also follow my tumblr which is also basickidrauhls, i need more larry shippers to follow me because i need more cuteness on my blog.

PLUS i ONLY update on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. So yeah enjoy this one guys and see you beautiful people on wednesday. 

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