Learning To Float

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Zayn- 3 in headspace


Liam- dada

Harry & Louis- uncles (only mentioned slightly boo:()


Hands swinging, loud laughs erupting, and a overgrown baby boy with hidden nerves for what was going to happen today. Zayn Malik had a lot going on, tours, photoshoots, barely any sleep. So a long time ago on the ending of the second tour, they decided to get started with age play. From then on, Zayn had been a three year old in his headspace and the normal Malik when times needed. Lou and Harry were involved in their own secret age play so they were uncles to Zayn. Today, the band were going to teach their little man how to swim.

Opening the gate to the inside pool, Liam led Zayn to the chairs, sitting down with a smiling Zayn in front of him. Liam applied the sunscreen, even though they were inclosed in glass and the sun was barely shining, but he couldn't handle seeing his baby boy in pain so better safe than sorry. Zayn gently slipped his floaties on, bright green with little duckies on it, just how Zayn wanted it.

He was trying to not show he was scared, but honestly he was terrified. His daddies expected him to dive right into a pool of a slippery substance that could easily drag him down and not allow him to breathe, speak, or move. Of course he's being dramatic, but it was a huge pool, filled with lots of water, scary water. Harry came over and kissed his forehead, nudging him along to the edge of the pool where Niall was waiting in the water.

"Alright buddy, you gotta jump into, but daddy is gonna catch you." Louis spoke gently, crouching down next to his "nephew". Zayn began to shake, he couldn't just jump in, what if daddy missed him, what if his floaties didn't float. Zayn began to back up but was stopped by his dada's hand. Liam nodded and whispered that his daddy would be right here and so would he and so would his uncles.

Zayn took a step foreward and waved shyly at his daddy. Niall laughed and held his arms out, a clear sigh he would most definatly catch his little one. Zayn knew he would be safe because safe was whenever he was in one of his daddies arms. Zayn looked around at his "family" smiled and leaped off the floor, landing half in the water and half in his daddy's arms. Cheers were heard and he smiled big, splashing around screamed "me did it! me did it daddies! uncie lou you see me!?" Louis nodded and shouted cheers of praise.

Liam got into the water as well and quickly grabbed his son, hugging him tightly. "Okay baby, now you gotta learn to float and swim alright, daddy's will be right here for you" Zayn nodded and they laid him on his back. His eyes were wide open, afraid he was going to sink down, but liam spread his arms out and put his hands under his back. After about two minutes, liam let go and zayn was floating. Zayn squealed and cheers erupted once again. They quickly taught him how to doggy paddle and he quickly did it. Loud cheers once again happened and a happy zayn was squished between his daddies, recieveing plenty of kisses.

They swam for about one more hour, packing everything up and wrapping a towel around their tired boy. Liam carried his sleeping baby back to the hotel room, excited to celebrate tomorrow this amazing accomplishment in his baby's life. And if he took a picture of his little Zayn jumping into his pool and put it in the photo album labeled :First" no one had to know, not yet anyway.


I AM SO SORRY I HAVENT POSTED IN FOREVER but i have been so busy and i havent been feeling well lately. Lots of mood swings, i sleep all the time and i've been having bad period cramps that last for hours. Been crying a lot more, (self diagnosed depression sucks ha) so i hope you guys enjoyed this because you all deserve to be happy, love you

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