Storm In and Out

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Louis-3 headspace


once again this is a larry one, if you guys would like another ship in one of these, please let me know in the comments below.


It was around 2 am when everything started to go wild. The wind was howling, the trees were shaking and scraping against the small house windows. The house was dark, except the tiny night light spinning around, making shapes of stars in blue and green appear on the ceiling of the twenty-two year old bedroom. But in Louis' headspace he was a max three years old.

Every since he was little, he had a terrible fear of thunder storms and his headspace made that fear worsen by ten degrees. Louis was sat up in his adult sized crib, trembling and whimpering, holding on tight to his stuffed bear his daddy had given him. He truly didn't think the night could get any worse, but he was very wrong. Soon thunder boomed and shots of lightning flashed through the darkened room, causing the power to go out. No power meant no light which meant a little Lou left alone in the dark.

A few seconds passed when another loud boom came, and Louis let out a huge scream and sobs, terrifying Harry in the other room. Harry ran in, sweating and breathing like crazy. He quickly picked Louis up, holding the trembling boy in his arms. He rocked him back and forth, whispering soothing words into the young ones ears. Louis was snuggled in his daddy's arms, only small whimpers and sniffles coming out at every sound he heard. Harry was going to set him down to check his diaper, but only resulted in a death grip around his neck and sobs coming from Louis. He grabbed the bear and brought his baby with him to his room. Wrapping Lou up in a big blanket, they sat by the window, Louis cuddling and hiding his face into Harry's chest.

"Hey buddy, its okay baby, see look at the raindrops" Harry coo'd to his young one. Louis rubbed his eyes but looked out the window, eyes widening looking at the pretty sight in front of him. Harry smiled and kissed his forehead. "That's my brave boy" Louis looked up at his daddy and smiled, wrapping his small arms around his daddy's neck, giving him a sloppy peck on his lips. Harry laughed along with Louis, wrapping his arms tighter around Louis.

Soon the storm passed on and Harry was lying down, a small Louis laying on him, pressed so tight against him, Harry thought it would leave an imprint. Tomorrow, Harry would bring his "son" anything he wanted, making sure to make up for leaving Louis by himself during the night. But Louis couldn't be mad at his daddy, because no matter what, Lou always knew daddy Harry would be there to love and protect him.


WOW OVER 1,000 READS AND 12 VOTES YOU GUYS ARE SUCH A BLESSING IN MY LIFE. I REALLY like this style of writing and i hope you all do too. I hope you guys aren't getting annoyed by all the larry prompts(lol who would be annoyed by that) so i will try to get more liam and zayn and niall involved. BUT GUYS GUESS WHAT, FREAKING 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER YESTERDAY. I was screaming and crying and i was getting tears in my ice cream LMAO. But yeah, leave some comments below if you want the new age play to be focused on 

a) ziam b) ziall c)niam or d) any little niall, little liam, or little zayn


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