Attention Horan

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Jelaous NIall

HI guys!! I was gonna update yesterday cause i was home sick from school but i didn't know what to write for this one besides the title. This title took me a while to come up with and i think its pretty clever, when i just sound lame. Anyway i got this as a request so yah.

Harry-1 year old

Niall-3 year old





Louis Pov

Waking up to a screaming, crying twenty year old in their headspace of one on a saturday was not my ideal start but being his 'daddy' i had to deal with it. I ran into Harry's room and aww'd at my sick little boy. He had fat tears running down his face and his arms outstretched wanting to be picked up. I smiled and picked him up, kissing his nose lightly. Not even that made him smile so i knew today was going to be bad. I changed him quickly into only a fresh nappy and brought him downstairs to eat.

Niall's Pov

I woke up early, skipping downstairs to go see my daddies. I saw Dada and Papa but i wanted Daddy. I ran into the kitchen and poked him mulitple times. I saw he was feeding Harry, but i wanted his attention too. He huffed loudly and put the spoon down.

"Niall, stop this, Harry is being fussy today and you are not helping" Daddy scolded.

I sighed and nodded. I looked around the room while Louis was busy and saw cereal on the counter. I reached up trying to grab it from being on my knees but missed. The cereal fell and the pieces went everywhere. Harry laughed lightly and pushed over his bowl of bananas. Louis turned towards me and yelled


I started to tear up but stomped my foot and asked

"But daddy why aren't you yelling at Harry?"

"Because he didnt mean it, now go see your dada okay Niall"

Third Pov

Liam walked Niall over to the playpen and kissed his head, telling him to stay there and play. He knew how hard Harry was to deal with when he was under the weather, so he knew he didnt mean to yell at Niall.

NIall was hurt and confused, but mostly jealous. Why did Harry always get special treatment. NIall was a good boy, he always made daddies happy. He didn't understand why Harry was being so needy, but it annoyed Niall.

Louis entered the room and placed Harry beside Niall, telling Niall his brother could use any toy he wanted and not too argue with him. Niall huffed and looked over to see Harry chewing on his favorite toy. Niall pulled it from his hands, jealously mulitply, and told him "NO Harry, mine". He pushed Harry over but froze as he heard the wails of the one year old.

Louis came walking in, sighing loud and grabbing Harry, cuddling him close. When his sobs turned to sniffles, he turned to a very shocked Niall. "Why would you do that Niall? Why are you being so rude today?"

Niall started to tear up and told his daddy, "I sorry, i didnt mean to be bad, i just wanted some attention because only on Harry. Me didn't mean to hurt him"

Louis sighed and layed Harry on the couch before sitting in front of NIall and pulling him into his lap. "Im sorry buddy, Harry wasn't feeling so well today and he was tough to deal with, but that wasnt an excuse to ignore you or be mean to you, how bout we cuddle and watch some tv?" Niall nodded and hugged Louis, sitting on the couch and kissing a sleeping harry. Liam and Zayn came down and cuddled with their family as well, making sure to pay attention to both their little baby boys.


WOO ANOTHER ONE DONE, i felt like this was crappy and not what you wanted but i hope you enjoy it and you scream of happiness. Ps i am seeing Miley Cyrus in 6 days and i am so excited. Also I see One Direction & 5sos in something days because i have no clue LMFAO. But yeah if anyone is going to the August 5th concert lemme know


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