Sick Liam

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Sick Liam

THIS is just going to include Zayn and Liam bc Ziam is the sexiest otp i've seen and those two being all cute together makes me scream so enjoy.

Liam- 3

Zayn- daddy


I woke up to the loud wailing of my baby boy Liam. I ran into his room, seeing my handsome boy sitting up in his adult sized crib, screaming and crying. I took notice to the vomit that was down his shirt and knew this wouldn't be a fairly good day. I grabbed him and gently shook him, telling him soothing words and rubbing his burning back. I laid him on the changing table, trying to not to gag at the sight before me. All i heard was his whimpering, which made me try my best to not show i was disgusted, for it would upset him.

I gently carried him to the bathroom, filling up the tub with cold water to help soothe him. I tried placing him into the water but he clung to me tightly whimpering "No daddy, no leave you" I sighed and pried his hands off, making him erupt into sobs. I sighed and kissed his head, "No baby see daddy still here, daddy wants to make icky go away okay?" He nodded his head and sighed cutely. Liam never took sickness well, headscape or not. And since Liam loved Zayn, like really loved, Zayn is all he really wanted. Liam held his arms up, mouth trembling, waiting to release the defeaning screams of sadness. Zayn quickly scooped him up, wrapping him in only a towel and bringing him downstairs.

He grabbed Liam's blue bottle and some cold medicince, mixing them together to avoid the crying from the disgusting liquid taste. He slowly fed the boy, making sure not to upset his stomach even more. Zayn lifted him up, so Liam was straddling his waist, his head on his shoulder. Zayn continued to rub his back, listening to the soft whimpers and cough fits coming from the fragile boy. He softly sang Little Things to the boy, knowing it could calm down any of the five in desperate times. Liam wrapped his arms tight around Zayn, loving the comfort of his daddy. He slowly fell asleep, and Zayn watched him shortly, smiling at the bundle of love and joy in his arms. Zayn followed, falling asleep with his sick little baby and a smile on his face.


I feel like this is written very weird, but im so sorry because i have been getting massive headaches and i'm busy trying to get an outfit put together for miley tomorrow.

Also, i would appreciate it if you could leave me suggestions. advice on better writing. or just any feedback you have. It would mean a lot to me and yeah, love you guys loads and thank you so much for the 430 reads and 3 votes.

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