Scared Of Spankings

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louis- three headspace

zayn- papa


i have a feeling this will be messy not sure


Louis had been a trouble maker the past, well whole of his life. In and out of his headspace, Louis caused chaos wherever he went. He threw things, made fun of Niall, ruined Zayn's artwork, and refused to cuddle with Harry. He ignored Liam, setting that boy off into hysterics. And his daddies were tired of it. This ageplay was supposed to make his bratty ways end. But what was going to happen today was sure to.

Louis had been running around the house, butt naked, trying to get away from Harry. "Louis Tomlinson, get back here right now" "Nu uh daddy, you gotta catch me" Louis ran into his room hiding in the closet. He heard Harry run right past the door and Louis giggled to himself. He got up and ran into the living room. Louis weakly dragged a chair over and stood on it, picking up one of their awards and knocking it to the floor. He began to laugh loudly as he saw all of them fall from the shelf. He quickly got down and dragged the chair into the kitchen, standing atop once again. He took down all the cereal boxes, cereal exploding across the whole room. All you could hear were the claps of Louis hands and the laughter pouring from the boys mouth.

But both of those things stopped short when he heard the gasp and heavy breathing of his daddies. Louis slowly turned around, dropping the last box of cereal. He put his hans behind his back and rocked back and forth on his heels. "Sorry daddies?" Louis said shyly. Zayn's face began to grow red, hands shaking. "Louis Tomlinson, what on earth made you think this was okay" Louis was going to respond but was quickly shut down by the grip Zayn had on him. Zayn put him over his shoulder and proceeded to march upstairs with Harry following behind. Zayn sat down on the bed and set Louis laying down on his lap. They had never spanked Louis before and Harry was nervous, since it was the first time and Zayn looked scary. "Zayn maybe you shouldn't" Harry tried to take Louis away, but Zayn snapped. "Harry get out if you're going to defend this brat."

Harry looked at Louis apologetically then left. Louis was nervous, the only thing he ever got when he was bad was timeout. Zayn took off Louis' pants and pull-up, grabbing Louis' face gently and making him look up at him. "I dont know why you've been acting like this but i am going to spank you for you to behave." Louis had no clue what that meant but now he would find out. Zayn lifted his hand and smacked Louis bum, not stopping until he got to twenty five. By the time he was done, Louis was trembling. His face was red, tears pouring from his eyes, hands and body shaking beyond belief. When Zayn went to hold him, Louis began to cry out, pushing him away. At the same time, Harry opened the door. "baby, why are you giving papa trouble?" Louis heard Harry, pushed Zayn away and ran into harry's open arms. "Hate Papa, Papa hurt Louis" he sobbed out. They both looked shocked, Zayn looked terrified. He shouldn't have been so hard on him, even if he did do awful things, over ten was harsh on a first timer. Louis cuddled into Harry and they both left the room, Harry telling Zayn he was going to talk to Louis.

"Now Loubear, you cant say you hate papa, sweetheart, it was punishment" Louis looked down and cuddled further into Harry's chest. He didnt wanna be mean but papa was mean to him so he had to be mean back. Harry rubbed his back and rocked him, trying to stop Louis' tears. He pulled back and looked up at harry. "I sorry daddy, i be good now." Harry smiled and gave him an innocent peck on the lips. 'Good boy, but you should apologize to papa instead," Louis nodded and grabbed Harry's hand. Harry had put cream on his bum before they left so it wouldnt hurt Louis as much. They walked into the bedroom to see Zayn staring at the floor, sniffling. Louis stumbled over to him and held onto his leg, looking up at him. "Louis love Papa" Louis smiled. Zayn smiled as well, picking up his boy and cuddling him close. "Papa is so sorry baby, never again." 'No Lou is sorry. no being bad." Zayn nodded and hugged him close. "Daddy cuddle too?" Louis looked back at Harry. Harry jumped into bed with them and they all cuddled up, the events of the day easily forgiven and forgotten by the kisses both Harry and Zayn got from their baby boy Louis.


yay another one. Guys i lost my wwa blue bracelet thing yesterday and i was crying so hard because even though it says nothing it was kinda like my last piece of my concert. But my brother found it today in my driveway LOL. To the side you will see a picture of me and michael someone made and you should def let me know if you ship us. Anyone going to see 5sos august 30, 2015 in holmdel nj should let me know, hope you enjoyed byeee

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