Dada Has To Go

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louis-3 headspace

Harry- dada

Niall- 5 headspace

Liam- daddy

no zayn woops and ANOTHER LARRY FRICK YEAH


Managment sucks. Everyone knows that. But no one knows that more than Harry Styles himself. Once again they were whipping him off to LA, where he had to be away from his bandmates and his beautiful boyfriend. Harry never really understood why they couldn't keep him home, but for the sake of the band, he goes. But its gotten recently worse. See they had just started age play a few months ago. Niall and Louis had decided they needed this for relaxing and for 'other' reasons wink wink nudge nudge. It was no secret that Louis and Niall were very attached to their boyfriends/daddies, but this was going to break them.

Harry came down the stairs, trudging along two suitcases packed with clothes (which may or may not be all louis'). Louis looked up at his dada, giggling and holding his arms out. Harry reached down and held him tight, hugging him for the last time for three weeks. Liam walked in with Niall and gave him a look, one that very much resembled a puppy losing its favorite toy.

Louis and Niall were placed on the couch and Liam and Harry sat on the floor in front of them. "Now Lou and Ni, dada has some news for you two okay?" Louis nodded, smiling, thinking maybe they;ve been good and can get cookies or something. Liam sighed and urged Harry to get it over with because his plane was leaving soon. "Dada has to leave, for three weeks, but dada will call everyday okay bubs." It was eerily silent. Harry was getting worried that they were okay with him leaving. But he thought too soon, because the screams began.

Louis began screaming and crying. Even though he was in his headspace, he knew what it meant. It meant no dada for three weeks while he was off in LA doing things he was forced to do. Harry quickly caught Louis, as he had thrown himself at Harry. "Shh buddy, i'll be back you know dada will be back." But Louis was not having it. Sob after sob, scream after scream, he just wouldnt stop. Harry gave him a big sloppy kiss and one final bear hug, doing the same to Niall who was only slightly tearing up. Harry understood, he knew Niall loved him, but he wasnt losing his boyfriend for three weeks. Harry placed Louis in Liam's arms, walking to the front door with his luggage.

He heard the screams get louder, terrifingly louder. He soon felt a strong tug and pull on his leg, looking down to see his baby gripping onto him so tight he thought they would become one person. "My dada, no dada no leave me!" Louis wailed. Harry bent down and shushed him, holding him close and kissing every inch of his face. He took off his headscarf and jumper, putting both on Louis. "Dada will call you everyday baby, and you can sleep in dada's bed with daddy okay sweetheart." At this point, everyone was crying. It was hard to see Louis react like this, all he wanted was his dada.

Liam came over and gently pried Louis away, which only resulted in defening screams. Harry kisses Liam and Niall, then Louis on the forehead. Louis outstreched his arms but nothing. Harry opened the door and left, looking back at his small family he has so grown to love. He closed the door as gently as he could, heading off for the longest three weeks of his life.

And long they were. Louis was nothing but trouble. He had been in the naughty corner more times than anyone could keep track of. Things were broken, diapers were ripped off, walls were drawn on. Everything you could possibly imagine. But it was finally the day Harry would return, the day nice Louis would return.

It was 4:00 when Harry entered his home.  He knew his babies would be taking their nap so he walked out, inspecting all the crazy Louis had done. Liam ran in and hugged him, happy to see his bestie back. Harry walked over to the couch and sat down, watching as his baby slept. He gently shook Louis, but was met with a grunt and a "no daddy". Harry laughed, "come on pumpkin dada wants to see you." Harry had never seen Louis jump up so fast and fling himself so far. Harry caught him laughing, holding the squealing baby and met with kisses all over. He heard Niall pounding down the stairs, jumping onto his back for hugs and kisses. Liam joined as well and they all sat there hugging, smiling at the happy tears and squeals coming from Lou.

2 hours later the babies were fed and changed. Niall was taking a bath and Louis was sat on Harry's lap in bed. Louis put his arms around himself, laying his head down on harry's chest. Harry kisses his head and held him close, happy to feel his baby again. Louis sat up and held out his pinky, which resulted in a confused look from harry. "Dada no leave Lou ever again, pwease?" Harry smiled, his heart melting and connted his pinky with his boy's. "Nope, dada's going to stay with his boobear." Louis smiled, kissed his lips and layed back down. "I love you dada." "I love you too Lou."

Fuck you managment. :) xx


I really like this one idk, I AM SO SORRY ABOUT MY SHITTY WRITING THE OTHER DAY DEAR GOD. it was awful and im so sorry. i havent been feeling well and i guess my head just wasnt in the right place. I will try to write more boys as the babies instead of just larry but i cant help it, i love them too much. Anyway thank you so much for 18? votes on my clingy and cute story, how bout we get this one TO TWENTY VOTES AND MAYBE 2 COMMENTS peace love and justin


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