Part Eight

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Sleeping was peaceful to me. A gateway to something more. An escape from a hell that became reality. My dreams were of nothing.  A blank slate. A calm mind. I wonder what she was dreaming of.

I woke up from my slumber and looked at the clock again. 6:14 AM. Funny how time is a fragment of our imagination yet us humans are slaves to it. Something so small yet so powerful. I looked over to see wrinkled sheets and a thrown back comforter. I got up and went to take a shower. As I dried off I heard a somewhat muffled voice,

"You want breakfast?" "No I'm good. Thanks though.' I grabbed the clean clothes from within my bag and quickly got dressed. I headed towards the door and she gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "I'd drive you to school but we'd get caught or questions would arise." "Walking to school isn't that far so it's okay." I quickly walked to school and ruffled my hair a bit.

I kept hearing light footsteps behind me, so I walked ahead a bit faster. "Hi Drew! Beautiful morning, isn't it?" I turned to see Ashly catch up to me. That smile is going to get a bit annoying. "I suppose, you seem cheerful." "Well, having a good attitude makes a brighter day." Oh really? I could tell by her wavering smile and wrinkled coat that someone must have tugged on it. Perhaps an argument took place. We walked in silence until I had to break it. "Why do you sit alone in art.. I don't really see your friends." 

I saw her gaze drop. "If you hadn't noticed, I'm a geek and the Vice President in Student Council. They only elected me due to my grades. You're the only friend I got, really." After two conversations with this girl, we're supposedly friends? Eh, it's fine I guess. What kind of response could you give? "Sorry to hear that", "it'll get better"? Exactly, you don't know either. 

We got to school in the nick of time. I opened my locker and but my bag in there. Glanced at the tiny mirror, making sure my hair was okay. I heard some laughing coming down the hallway, a group of preppy girls giggled as some pointed at Ashly.

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