Chapter Nineteen - Scarlett

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"My god, there's two of them." Gabriella groans.

I giggle as I look at Candy, that long pink hair flicked to one side over her shoulder, her tiny pink and black tartan skirt and black t-shirt with a skull in little diamantes.

"Are we going to have the same show as your first night here Scarlett?"

"Maybe." I say with a cheeky grin.

Candy looks at me a little confused.

"I'll tell you later." I whisper as we walk into the dining room.

"Candy, this is Gabriella, Zach and Lucas's sister."

"Hey." she nods at her.

"And Henry and Mae, their parents."

"Wassup peeps?" Henry says with a mocking tone with a big cheeky grin on his face.

"Yeah..." Candy says still so very confused. "Wassup."

She hesitantly sits down beside Zach as the butler brings out the meals. Lucas grins as he sits down next to me and leans into my ear.

"By weeks' end, she will turn." he whispers.

"You lie." I turn and whisper to him.

"I do not. I can read her mind remember, she is already considering it."

"You're wrong."

"Want to bet on it?"

The butler places a plate of soup in front of me.

"What do you want? What do I get?"

"You know what I want."

He grins at me as he wraps his arm around the back of my chair, his fingers playing with the chain of my necklace.

"Always you."

I roll my eyes at him. "I want my freedom."

"I think that in this particular case I could allow that particular bet, seeing as how you aren't going to win."

"Says you. I will stop at nothing to convince her otherwise."

"Try all you want." his fingers slink up my neck, caressing my skin very softly. "You aren't going to win, I know for a fact that Zach is already in her mind talking to her, look at her."

I look at Candy, her cheeks flushed as she quietly eats her soup. Oh shit, he's right, Candy never shuts up, for her to be quiet during dinner it means something is going on.

"Almost has her convinced, I should set him on you, might get you there faster."

He quietly chuckles as he turns to his soup, joining the rest of the people at the table.

After dinner we sat in a lounge room on the first floor, watching a movie while Candy was with Gabriella, looking through the dresses she has. Zach wasn't with us, I assume that he is with them, probably hoping to get a free show. It was nice to just sit and watch the movie, Lucas was behaving himself, no pervert, no leech. Just him, on the lounge beside me, his arm wrapped around me as his fingers played with the necklace. Romantic Scarlett was in seventh heaven, loving every single second of his attention.

"Scarlett." I hear Candy whispering to me.

I pull out from Lucas's arms as she gestures for me to follow her. I shrug at Lucas and follow her out the doors.

"What's up Candy?"

"Ok I need some info."


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