Chapter Thirty-eight - Scarlett

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It wasn't sleep that had taken over us, I now know that I will sleep no more, I will go into a sleep like state. Lucas didn't stir when I got out of the bed, dying to know if it was true about being able to tell if I was so soon after. I found a bathrobe in his wardrobe and quickly scampered to my old room to get the test. Anxiety took hold as I waited for the clock to tick over, the first line appeared almost instantly, the second line took a minute. But there it was, one little stick told me something that I never thought would be true, I was pregnant. I slipped the test into my pocket and tried so hard to hide the grin slapped across my face. When I returned to Lucas, he was still in bed, in his sleep like state. It was what was hovering around his bed that freaked me out. A man, tall and thick set, he had a wooden stake in his hand. Slayer. I grabbed a chair similar to the one that I had smashed the glass door with and broke it over the man's back, sending him to the ground. Lucas woke with a fright, seeing the man on the ground, me with the remaining bits of chair in my hands.

"Hey, guess what?"

"Uh, there's a strange man in my bedroom?"

I look down at him, still passed out.

"Yeah, not that."

I pick the stake up; it burns my hand as I drive it into his body.

"Ow." I hiss through my teeth.

"Jeez, don't touch them Scarlett."

He stops and as the realisation strikes him he flies out of bed, dressing quickly.

"Slayers are here. Shit." he mutters. "Get dressed. Here, wedding present."

He tosses a long black dress at me, heavy black velvet and red lace insert.

"How very goth of you."

After I have dressed, he drags the man out of his room and down to the ballroom. The scene before us was shocking. All of our wedding guests and staff had been rounded up into the ballroom, the slayers in some serious numbers. Miranda looked at me and I gave her a nod, she grinned knowing that this was what they were waiting for, the battle was to begin, here and now. It was a blur of vampires taking out the slayers, the shape shifters protecting my family and my band members. The werewolves decided to get in on the action too, finding themselves some slayer necks to break. Once the dust had settled, the slayers that were in the ballroom were dead, I walked among the bodies, looking for my neighbour.

The blood pooled on the floor among the corpses, lifeless and mangled bodies. My stomach turned at the sight, they were humans, the would have families, children, wives. But not anymore, now they were orphans and widows. The blood was intoxicating but not nearly as enticing as what they served at the meeting. There was a strange smell to this blood, something that I could not figure. Maybe it's the smell of dead blood? my mind tried to find an answer. Maybe they've been eating garlic cloves it tried again. Through all the blood and death, there was one that wasn't here, my neighbour.

"He isn't here."

"Shit." Terrance mutters.

"How did they get past the beasts?"

"That would be the secret entrance." Lucas says rather amused.

"A what now?"

"Secret entrance." he smirks, leaning in to my ear. "Escape was always possible, if you knew where to look."

"You bastard." I grin.

I watch as the staff start to remove the dead bodies from what was once the room where we married. The chairs had been removed, the floor slicked with a pale red sheen. My parents, Asher and Eddie were being remarkably at ease with it, I guess that these people had threatened their lives so they probably didn't care about them. Me on the other hand still held empathy for life. The staff were taking the bodies to a large bonfire out on the lawn, a message to those that may try a second wave of attack. It was going to happen, my neighbour wasn't here, he was biding his time.

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