Chapter Forty - Scarlett

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I watch from the bedroom window, the guards sweeping the property again, the castle was re-checked, even the forest was checked. The secret entry had been sealed and there was no access in or out other than the driveway through the forest. I can feel his breath heavy on my shoulder as he begins to kiss along it.

"What if they were to do an air drop?"

"The protection covers the air as well. The second they try and drop in we will know. You are safe."

"I wasn't the one with a slayer in their bedroom. Do you know how close you were to being dead, how could you not hear him?"

"Post sex sleep?" he shrugs.

"Come on." he tugs my hand pulling me into a hug "Stop stressing, get back in bed and keep me warm, woman."

I giggle as I let him tug at my hand again, taking me to the bed. His fingers slink along the tie to my robe, loosening it.

"Hard to believe." his voice low as he runs his fingers over my bare stomach.

"What is? That I'm pregnant?"

"No." he shakes his head. "When we started planning... you know..." he shrugs, slightly embarrassed "your removal, I thought you would hate me forever, I didn't think that you would ever want me, I didn't think that this would ever happen."

His hands splay out over my stomach.

"People change Lucas, at the beginning I would have agreed with you but once you stopped being such an arsehole, I could see the wonderful person within." the cheeky one decided to rear her head. "And it's not as if you aren't good looking, I suppose you're an ok in bed."

"Ok huh?" he grumbles as he looks down at me, assessing me.

I nod with a smug look on my face, backing away from him I hit the bed. I gently sit down, still feeling pain from the wound site.

"I thought you enjoyed it more than just 'ok'. I do seem to remember you enjoying it a whole lot more than just 'ok'."

I watch as he saunters over to me, pushing me down onto the bed, his body slightly off mine, kissing me passionately.

"Still just ok?"

Still reeling from the intensity of the man that is my husband, I nod, then I shake it. As I frown and nod again he laughs.

"Make up your mind woman. Jeez."

"Ok." I grin as I pull him in for a soft kiss. "My handsome husband and amazing lover."

"Too right." he grins.

"Shut up, I'm speaking."

He huffs at me, shaking his head slightly.

"Thoughtful and loving, you give without a second thought, ensuring I want for nothing, you put up with my shortcomings and love me without hesitation. Your persistence with me was truly award winning."

He grinned at the thought as he leaned in and kissed me softly.

"And I look forward to an eternity as beautiful as you are right now."


Everyone had decided to retire early for the evening, deciding rest was ideal in preparation for the big battle tomorrow. Lucas seems rather distracted after our romp on the bed, engulfing himself in drawing house plans. His ordering me into bed for rest, a distant memory. I watch from the windows, nervous of slayers.

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