Chapter Twenty-nine - Lucas

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"Time is running out young prince." Miranda smiles at me warmly "You need to regain control of the situation, it is out of hand and she is walking all over you."

I solemnly nodded, knowing I was wrapped around Scarlett's little finger and it was likely that she knew it too.

"Have you found the mark on her?"

"Yeah on her stomach." I gestured to where it roughly sat on her. "It's turned red."

"You must have awakened something in her, have you by any chance let her taste your blood?"

I frowned, thinking of all the times I had drawn her blood, but not my own. Then it strikes me, the shower.

"Yes." I gasped "But it was only one drop."

"Time is ticking Lucas, you have unwittingly started her turn by that one little drop, you need to finish it or she will suffer."


"The line of vampire that has been almost vanquished from her heritage isn't completely gone, it will taste the blood of her love in that one drop and will lust for more. When it doesn't get what it wants it will begin to protest, causing all sorts of problems in her mind and her body. She will crave your blood but she will not understand why."

I looked up, Lilly and Patrick were getting ready to leave, Zach was hovering by the front door and Scarlett stood there watching us with curiosity.

"The hour is upon you Lucas, Godfrey has ordered that if she doesn't turn within the next twenty-four hours he will do it himself and trust me, you don't want that."

Miranda and I looked at each other, sadness slipping through us. Welcome to hell my mind hissed.

We approached the line for the club, the music from the club was loud from here, I dreaded to think what it was like inside. Even though Scarlett had a completely boring afternoon, I could tell she was in a good mood. It wasn't going to last long, especially when she finds out what's going to happen within the next twenty-four hours. Say goodbye to your human life Scarlett. She looked at the land around her, the city street that was cold and dreary, the humans had returned to their homes leaving only those out for a night of debauchery. I hated this club, mostly because I had spent much of my relationship with Tess here. Little did I know what she was getting up to in the bathroom of this club. All she cared about was when she could get her next fix of whatever drug was going. A cab slowed beside us, letting people out. I watched as Scarlett bit on her bottom lip, looking at the cab.

"If you runaway, I will find you and I promise it will be nowhere near as nice as what it has been."

She grinned as she pulled me by the collar, bringing me closer to her.

"No forest to stop me now."

I knew it was an idle threat, she liked being at the castle. I avoided the subject, knowing her thoughts were venturing into the prophecy and the fact that I was supposed to be marrying the third vampire of the prophecy. I got into the mind of the bouncer, suggesting that the line move a little faster, I wanted Scarlett distracted from her thoughts and being out in the open was a little nerve wracking. As we lined up to get into the club there was a flash from a camera. Shit, paparazzi. Relax. Zach whispered in my mind. Planted, not true paparazzi.

"Scarlett, any comments about the car accident?"

She looks at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Scarlett's SRT Viper was stolen from the auditorium during her performance. She will be returning to performing after a short break."

Word for word, just as Zach had suggested to me. To make her think that there is one little ray of hope. I didn't understand his reasoning, but like the rest of the plan, I had to trust him. The bouncer lifts the rope for us to pass, the darkness of the club engulfs us. Zach grins as he enters without being asked for ID.

"You are so busted now." she says rather smug to which I roll my eyes at her.

"As if."

"So, I'll be returning to performing will I?"

"That would depend on a few things."

Go! Zach whispers to me again. I left her to follow Zach through the crowd, her thoughts were wrangling around the concept of being allowed to perform and I didn't want to answer her questions. I watched through the crowd of humans dancing on the coloured squares as Zach jiggles his way to a dark corner booth, sliding along and out of nowhere a woman appears, sliding into the seat beside him.

"How did you do that?" I could hear her yell out to him over the loud music.

He grins and taps the side of his head. Scarlett looked a little shocked as she sat down beside them. I looked back over at Zach who I thought was slobbering on the woman's neck until I saw a trickle of blood run down her chest. Lucas, find your dinner. My attention turns to Patrick and Lilly who had found a couple in the crowd, they followed them over to me.

"Want one?" Lilly smirks.

"Yeah sure."

This was Zach's brilliant plan, pretend to feed on 'humans'. Of course they were vamps that were planted, we would feed and they would pretend to be dead thus subjecting Scarlett to a boring night, watching three humans die. I could hear her thoughts loud and clear. She was grateful that it wasn't her that was being fed on, but completely upset and disgusted that she had to sit there, on her birthday, watching us.

I didn't want her birthday to be like this. I wanted to give her the world, a big party with her friends and family, to shower her with gifts. But I was banned from it all. The only thing I was allowed to give her was the guitar and a picnic breakfast. I knew she was hurting from it, it was a crap night for her. What she didn't realise was that it was a crap night for me too, and it was only going to get worse.

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