Chapter 7

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Sarah didn't want "them"  to think that they have all control over her without her doing anything,especially after the thing that happened yesterday. So she went to an empty street, she would wait there until one of them would come to watch her. This needed to have an end now. She needed to know why they were watching her and she wouldnt let anything interrup her. She would just sit here.
Here were no walls nothing to hide, nothing. If they aren't other mysterious ways "they" use, this would be enough to find them. She took deep breaths while walking up and down the street.She was trying to relax hardly. What would she tell them ? Or worse, what would they tell her ?
She sat down on the ground and checked the place the was at. There were some very old and big trees....and...that was actually everything. A part of the world the "modern" life didn't touch. She had to come here more often. A different atmosphere took her out of her thoughts.She checked every part of where she was like a psycho. Someone was here,she could feel it. She was so nervous. Where were they?Was it the guy she saw? Oh she spotted someone. There was someone on the other side of the street! She could tell that his wasn't the guy she saw, This guy had some tatoos and piercings and he was obviously older than the other one ...wait ..he..had grey eyes! OH GOD HE HAD GREY EYES!HE WAS ONE OF THEM! SHE DID IT!!The fact that he probably saw how freaked out she was,was kinda ashaming...but well, back to the reason of being here.
Sarah closed her eyes for a second and she  took a very deep breathe,then she opened her eyes and she started to yell "Look I know you and your friends are watching me and that..thats..that is pretty not nice so I would like to know who you are ? You know being watched by someone you don't know is pretty creppy...well...actually being watched by people you know has to be very creppy as well ...right? Oh um never mind.
Now answer my questions!!!"Oh god why did she talk like this !!! That definitely didn't sound cool and that was her point bu- Out of all sudden the guy started to laugh ..."Well I would laugh either" Sarah thought. The mysterious guy said "I missed you.I missed you so much"
And before Sarah could even open her mouth, he disappeared.

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