Chapter 11

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The one to one fighter of the Team.
She has long blonde and straight hair.Her eyes are Grey, just like the rest of the have I to mention it everytime ?
Her nose was big and beautiful shaped, It wasn't sinous at all. Something so perfect, most human try to reach it with ops. Her lips were long and curled a very little bit from the sides, that gave her a cute look, she was very beautiful.She's 22 years old and 185cm which makes her one year younger and 2 cm shorter than Brian.   Now, lets get back to her training.
She has 3 hurdles, each one is training her against different powers.
Number One; 6 statues she has to fight against,using her powers she can fight back faster. She feels it more than any human being when someone is about to attack her and she has a lot of special moves which human can't even imagine.
Hurdle 2; Here we have moving statues, they go upside, down also they move left and right.
We are already at our last one; The back attackers.
This Statues give Valary more of the real life feelings because they can move,jump and attack,of course its nothing comparing to the real enemies. The Fairytales.
But it's enough to show Val how serious she needs to be.
Now comes our next fighter;
His skills might look familiar to you, but his way of practicing is very different comparing to the others. Are you wondering already ? I hope you aren't because I will firstly tell you his look.
He has short hanzel hair which already make him look like a cute schoolboy. His eyes are you now.
His nose is long and a bit souitous ,but there is something which steal the spotlight of his nose ; His dimples. They are so big, cute and adorable, you can't even imagine. His lips are long and full. I think that I don't need to tell you how adorable his smile is right ? He is 21 years old and 186cm.
Now to his skills I might have let you curious about.
He is the Fire attacker of the Team. Sounds pretty familiar,Right ? But his training program is very different then the ones of the others. He can use anything he wants, cotton, stone,statues...It doesn't matter .The important thing is his timer. For each thing he burns he has some seconds, If It takes longer than his maximal limit of seconds he needs to keep burning until he can do it. You probably say:" Okay, he is practising thats awesome ,but what happens to the burning things? And this question takes us to the next and last fighter.

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