Chapter 13

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Sarah took a look into the classroom from the little round window, It was the 1.lesson after lunch break which was with Mrs.Hamilton.

Oh God, she hated that woman.

 "Here goes nothing," she thought before knocking the door.

Everyone looked at her the moment she stepped it.

"Looks like they missed me." 

She thought while bitting her under lip trying not to laugh, but well her best friend was Michelle, which was also meant; talking and overreacting so, she probably made a big show.

She looked at her teacher in silence for some seconds waiting for her to start annoying.

Mrs.Hamilton had short black curled hair. Her eyebrows were knitted and her lipstick was slopping over her lips which were looking like a tiny line on her face anyway. The rest of her face was covered with some wannabee make-up. She grinned softly as she kept looking at her teacher.

"Yes,Miss King?Is there a reason for you showing up here?"

 Her teacher finally said.

 Sarah's lips formed into a little smile, but anyone who knew her could tell that this wasn't any kind of positive smile exactly the opposite, it was showing that she was getting angry.

 "Yes, Mrs.Hamilton.I'm a student of this class so I'm showing up here."

The anger smile on her face changed to an annoying fake smile.

The whole class was listening all ears, ready to make unnecessary sounds after the next coming roasting sentence. Sarah quickly looked around in the class and she gave them a warning look.After that, she looked back at Mrs.Hamilton. All she wanted was her to tell her that she could sit down.

 She sighed because deep down she knew that this woman wouldn't let go without drama

"Students who deserve to be students in this school come here at 8.30AM dear Sarah."
Sarah eye-rolled knowing that this was the stage she had to answer to please this old lady.

"Well, Mrs. Hamilton, Teachers who deserve to be here don't steal the time of students talking unnecessarily."

 An "Ohhhh" came from the class just like she expected, but she didn't give them a tiny bit of attention because she knew this was the only way to make them shut up.

Mrs. Hamilton cleared her throat to show that this argument was over.
And Sarah finally sat down next to her best friend trying to avoid eye contact with Mrs. Hamilton.
After 2 hours of training Hakeem made a little needs-break, he was drinking a bottle of ice cold water while watching the others training. He drunk a little bit more while thinking how these skills would help them.
He was making the plan take action in his mind.

Suddenly he stopped all his thoughts. 

The skills the training everything was perfect, but the plan? 

The last time they talked about the plan it was to take action when "he" came, but now they had changed strategies. 

Would it work now? 

It couldn't!

He searched for Zacky as his eye color got darker slowly

Either Zacky forgot to tell them whatever was going on or they were training for nothing...

As he slowly moved his legs towards Zacky, he actually deep down knew that Zacky HAD to have another plan...

He wasn't the boss for nothing, right? 

He actually didn't care. All he wanted was to make sure he would be able to see the Legend again soon.

He bit his underlip as he was getting closer and closer to Zacky.

Heyyy Guysss
We are at the end of an ass long chapter 😂
I hope you enjoyed it!🙋‍♀️
Please let me know your opinion! It won't matter if its good or bad I will appreciate both 💜
      -What do you think about The plan and Zacky?

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