Chapter 39

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They were locked back on the object she found pretty silly some seconds ago.

Her shock full eyes were going between the wristband and Zacky. She couldn't keep her mouth closed anymore so, she was staying there shaking, her mouth and eyes wide opened and probably gone all pale.

She heard Hakeem's voice, but that was all blurred, she was too confused to identify his words.

Whatever his wristband was gonna be used for, it had more features than just being silver, it had Zackys name printed on it.

"Zachary King"

Chapter 39:


His voice was harder this time considering that he probably -of course- noticed that she saw it.

She ran off faster than she had ever run.

The things she found out these days replayed themselves like a tornado in her mind:

-The Legend

-Fairytale Fighters

-The Bad

-Scary Guy

-Zacky and Scary guy being related

and now She and Zacky being related!

She arrived at the door confused like she never was, but her brain kept thinking.

She saw the others, she heard them talking, but it was all blurry. 

She tried her best to block the thought which was trying to come in with its hardest.

As she felt her eyes burning, her legs hurting as if she had run the whole day, her heart feeling as if it got heavier she threw herself on the empty couch it managed to enter, it echoed through her mind.

"She was related to Scary Guy"


She lied and lied, but she couldn't fall asleep, thoughts were hunting her making it impossible for her to calm down.

She felt Zacky checking on her a few times, but she just played along with his idea of her being asleep. She didn't want all of these to happen...

She didn't want to be related to someone creating bad, someone making people feel pain, make them suffer. 

Something was stuck in her throat, her stomach was burning. Moreover, she was feeling uncomfortable like she never did.

Slowly, she felt how the direction in her mind was changing. She started feeling something different, something making her feel like she had to move, something making her wanna wipe away her tears. Everything she was feeling was transferring into anger.

Zacky and his teammates, Scary Guy along with whoever else works for either of them ripped her out of her high school life straight into a dreamworld-or more like nightmare world-

Anger had blocked out her mind. Moreover, it fulfilled her heart with courage.

 Together with that, she jumped up from the couch feeling as if she could kill Zacky the fighters and Scary Guy all at once. 

As she was on her feet, she had sit down back on the couch. The sudden jump in her mind made her forget that suddenly getting up from a lying position isn't really comfortable. 

She sat there keeping her eyes closed until she stopped feeling woozy and saw probably again.

As soon as she felt better, she stood up and wiped away her tears with quick moves. The moment she was done, she started throwing mad looks around, but there was no one. 

She changed her spot to the window also seeing the moon lightening the dark and silent night.

So, they were sleeping. And "Mr.King" was probably waiting for her in his room.

He was lucky, she wasn't planning on letting him wait any longer.

Literally furious, she started to climb up the stairs to the third floor, when she arrived at the second floor her mind told her to stop and think together with that, she felt as if she got shot straight in the heart.

Hakeem's body came in front of her eyes,


She bit her underlip as she felt how now guilt was taking over all the anger, her body was getting warmer and warmer till she felt as if she was burning. This was the effect of shame, embarrassment...

How would she face him?

She had left him alone when he was hurt

Just because she was too selfish to consider thinking about others.

But no matter what, she had to. 

He'd never leave her alone and especially not when she was hurt.

She felt how bad her own words hurt her. Also, these were just her thoughts. His had to be way worse. 

A tear reached her lips and that was like the official invitation of sadness.

She closed her eyes trying to think straight again.

Anger was dangerous along with fear...

When you let them out of control they do anything to you and your loved ones and you don't notice until its too late...

Sarah knew that she had to work harder on keeping a straight mind in those situations, but it wasn't easy...

She shook her head,

Opened her eyes

and let out a deep breath as she let her brain and heart get over her ruling again. 

Furthermore, she ordered them to enter the second floor.


She was walking slowly along with shaking softly, but her steps were determined and leading her.

As she arrived in front of his door, she hesitated on knocking for a moment because her heart was really doing that job. So, she stopped and waited for some death-silent seconds her heartbeat being the only thing to hear.

When she didn't hear any sound coming from inside the door, she felt even more nervous, but she wanted to know he forgave her.

She wanted to see his grey eyes shining on a shade close to white.

She wanted to look straight into them and tell him she loved him.

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