Chapter 13; Presentation

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John's POV

I enter the restaurant and see Mackenzie immediately. She sees me and approached me.

"Hey there stranger," Mackenzie smiled.

"Hello there," I say.

"Still little awkward I see. Anyways what's up?" Kenzie said.

"I would like to talk to you for a few minutes if that's okay?"

Mackenzie nods and puts up her finger, "I'm off my shift in five minutes. Can you hang here until then?" Mackenzie asks.

I nodded and take a seat. I waited for Mackenzie to finish of her shift. When she finished she walks over to me smiling. I smiled back and we both exit and head to my car.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Kenzie asked.

"It's about the other night. At the party," I respond.

"What about it? I know I was drunk, but, I remember parts of it so did I do anything wrong?" Mackenzie asked.

"Well beside from touching me multiple times which I didn't appreciate, and trying to peer pressure me into drinking you didn't do anything wrong really," I explain. "I just wanted to inform you, I accidentally walked in on you and Brandon having intercourse."

She nods, and enters my car. I start it up and start to drive off.

"I'm sorry you saw that. How much did you see?" Mackenzie asked.

"About a good three minutes. I found myself nervous and similar to a deer in headlights. I didn't know what to do," I explain.

Mackenzie nods. "Okay, well I'm really sorry you saw that. I really d-"

"It's okay. I am fine. I just wanted to inform you on the events I had encountered."

"Well thank you for telling me sweetie," Kenzie said. "Is Lauren home?"

I shake my head no, "she's out with Carson. Everyone is out and won't return until late. So I am home alone."

"Oh I'm sorry. Do you want me to stay with you for a bit?" Kenzie questioned.

"You don't have-"

"Seriously sweetie. It's fine, I can hang out for awhile. I'm not doing anything," Mackenzie explained.

I shrugged and nodded. Why not.


"I love this thing so much," Mackenzie said, touching my plasma light in my room.

"I do too. That's why I bought it," I say.

I take a seat on my bed and watched her as she roamed around my room. Picking up little nicknacks and various science fair trophies, photos and research papers.

"What's this?" Kenzie asked.

I stand up and walk behind her. I see she's holding the letter from my grandfather. The one I've refused to open since he died.

"That's a letter from my grandfather. He's passed on and gave me a letter as well as a trunk with his belongings," I answer.

She nods, "why haven't you opened it?"

"I just haven't been able to bring myself to open it," I say simply.

She nods and placed it back down. She turns to me and opens her arms. I nodded and she hugs me.

"Were you two close?" Kenzie asked, rubbing my arm.

I nodded, "he was my best friend. He told me it's okay to be the way I am and he was the greatest person ever, I loved him."

"I'm sorry Johnny. That must've been really hard for you," Kenzie said.

I nodded and sighed. "I figure I will open it at some point. However for the time being, I can't."

She nods and we sit down on my bed.

"Why are you so nice towards me?"

"Because John, when everyone sees a weird nerd. I see a sweet boy who deserves to know what it's like to have friends," Kenzie explains.

We both smiled at each other. She lets go of me and stands up.

"Let's go downstairs, watch a movie," Kenzie suggested.

I pondered for a moment. "I'd like to show you something," I say.

She nodded and we both stood up. I walked to my computer and logged in. I entered the program I wanted to show her and hit the play button.

It's a program showing the body and brain in 3D. It spins around and removes the layers of skin, muscles, organs and vessels and shows the skeleton. Zooming in on the skull then reveals the brain.

"I made it myself," I state. "I decided to use what I learn to educate people."

"That's awesome John. It's really cool," Kenzie smiled. "If you want to teach, tell me some stuff."

I look at her and smiled. "Very well then, right here is the frontal lobe. With in it lies Broca's area which is in the left frontal lobe. If this area is damaged, one may have difficulty moving the tongue or facial muscles to produce the sounds of speech. The person can still read and understand spoken language but has difficulty in speaking and writing," I lectured.

"That's really interesting," Kenzie smiled.

"You're just saying that," I state turning to her.

She shakes her head, "no. I mean it," Kenzie states.

I smiled and started to show her some more of the presentation. The more I explained the more into it Kenzie is.

"John, this is the first time you didn't freak out when I touched you," Kenzie states.

I look at her arm and see it's wrapped around my arm. I look up at her and weakly smile.

"It appears it is," I mutter.

We look at each other and smiled. "You've improved a lot John," Kenzie stated.

"Thank you."

We stare at each other for a good minute until we snapped out of our trans. We both stand up, "would you like to watch that movie?" I question.

She nods and we both exit my room and go down to the living room. Turning on the television I put on Netflix and watch To the Bone.

Kenzie curls up into my side. I can't help but to smile however. I don't know why though. And I don't like not knowing.

Hey guys here's the update.

It actually hit the target goal of votes like two days ago but I got super busy with family stuff so I couldn't update.

Anyhow, here it is in all its glory. I hope you enjoyed it.

For the next chapter 65 votes & 20 comments.

Let's see if we can do it.

Bye loves xoxo

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