chapter 14

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chapter 14

''im glad your back'' i said to ben kissing his head i got up and walk to the door ''hey you hungry ben'' i said ''no thanks i ate before i came'' ben said putting his head on the pillow i walk out the door and go down stairs courtney was on the couch watching tv i sat nexts to her ''bens back'' i said in a cheerful voice ''really are you guys all good now'' courtney said muteing the tv we had a chat for sometime then ben walked down stairs ''hey kasha you coming back to mine house'' ben said grabing my stuff that he packed ''yes cant wait to see everyone even know its sally and i dont really care about jeff''i said getting up and walking to te door i told courtney good bye i said i would vist her sometime cause school just finished and i was so happy.

we walked to the woods then and got to the house as i walked in sally ran up and hugged me i hugged back she pulled me up stairs to play dolls i told ben ill be back we played dools for along time then it was getting dark so i walked down stairs and watch ben play games then i drifted off to sleep.


i woke up out of bed and walked to the kitchen i saw jake yesterday he was ok i stayed some nights with him jeff had not been around but i dont care i was going to the shops to get every one i gift for chirstmas i went to walmart and got some video games for ben new dolls for sally and i even got jeff this really cool knife. after shopping i start walking home when i see that layla chick she walks up to me and slaps my face i drop all my shopping and it her back then pushed her she fell to the ground i keptkicking her in the stoamch till she passed out i just left her there that was for all the time she hurt me or courtney in school that bitch.

when i got back i ran to my room and rapped the presents ben and the other guys dont really celebrate christmas so ben brought a tree and me and sally decorated it and i walked down stair and put the gifts under then jeff walked in to the house he walked past the tree and saw the gift for him and he smirk i smiled he saw and kept walking ben came down stairs he kissed me and sat down and played games i played with him for some time then it got dark ''hey ben you want some food'' i said walking in to the kitchen and eatting a apple ''no i fine im just going to bed good night babe'' ben said going to his room i ate the apple and watch tv and then went to bed.

''Merry christmas everyone'' i said kissing ben and running down stairs.


hey guys hope you liked it please comment and vote im super super happy cause i now have 144 read i love you guys so much.....

ps please kept reading and little miss out...

Always be mine( ben drowned love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें