Chapter 35

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Beware editing will suck if you don't care keep reading if you do care then what are you doing here.

Anyway love you guys read on

Chapter 35


Me and the boys walked through the woods to look for the rake he's normally with jane fuck I hate her, jeff and her had this fight about something she was nice but then something happened and now she out to get jeff and kill him.

"You know this was probably all Jane idea to get you to go to her." I said I saw jeff tighten his grip on his knife he was not happy.

Well when ever is he happy. the only time he looks happy is when he's around.........molly...ohhh he has a sweet stop for Molly. so he wants to get her back.

"I'm going to fucking kill that bitch" jeff said he started walking quicker. we got to the barn house thing. I try not to walk past here after how I found kasha that day.

I didn't look at it and then we went past it.

We got out of the woods and to the street it was dark so no one was really out. we stayed in the shadows and alleyways till we got to this A banded hotel.

"There in here" jeff said.

"How do you know"

"I been here before"

I rolled my eyes and jeff went in jack followed then I did the same.

"Which way" jack said jeff pointed to a door it had blood on it who knew.

"Why don't we split up" I said they nodded jeff went to the door he pointed to I went up a level and jack went to the one above.

I searched all room and could not find any thing. I was starting to freak out what if there not here. what if we don't find her .

After looking in all the room I went down stair.

But that's when I heard it.

"JANE LET GO OF MOLLY" jeff said I ran then I saw jeff with his knife jack came behind me.

"Just give her to us" I said she laughed

"You really think I'm just going to give her back I want something in return." jane said.

"What is it" jeff said

"You" jane said of course she wanted jeff.

"Ok but just give Molly back to ben" jeff said I could see Molly was asleep. It she started waking up.

That's when Molly woke up and started crying.

Jane held her in the air.

"First you'll have to find me" jane said and with that she jumped out the window I ran to the window but she was gone. all I could hear was laughter.

Jeff jumped out the window "jeff no" I yelled but he was gone.

Me and jack left the hotel we knew jeff would find them. we had to trust him.

We got to the woods and all I could think about is what was kasha going to do. I don't want her to do anything stupid.

We got back to the house and kasha came running down. she had tears in her eyes I just wanted to hug her and say she fine but she out there somewhere.

"Molly where Molly you find her" kasha said I could see more tears I hugged her.

"I'm sorry kasha but jane got her and ran of .....but jeff is out there looking for her." I said she starts crying more.

She let's go and walks up stairs to the room and I here the door slam.

"ARRRRRR" I hear I just leave her to clam down and I know jeff will find Molly I just know it.


Molly still gone nooooo but anyway hope you guy like this chapter sad but I had to think of something.

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